Farewell Hime Patient Finale

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A/n: Yo everyone. Thanks for all the support, the love and votes.
Welcome to the finale of Farewell Hime Patient.
This was actually an idea I held back for a long while. Back when I was writing the first book of this series.
I hope you enjoyed this journey, I'll try to write one more Cava-Yuu short before the Christmas special.
Vote and comment! Thank you for everything!

"And so I visited her everyday after that" Calvin says finishing his story.

"You're such a liar Calvin" Yuuki says lightly punching him in the arm.

"And you're such a cute brat" Calvin teases back with a nudge. Yuuki giggles before hugging Calvin's arm as they walked. They were head back to Asuna's house so Calvin could drop her off after their date. "May I ask why I'm a liar at least?"

"You said you never dated a girl before me. You totally dated that Hime girl" Yuuki says pinching Calvin by the ear.

"I so did not" Calvin defends.

"Did so" Yuuki bites back.

"Did not"

"Did so"

"Did so" Calvin reverses.

"Did not- wait Calvin!" Yuuki shouts in realization.

"Got you" Calvin laughs. Yuuki pinches his cheek and pulls on it hard. "Ow, uncle uncle!" Calvin pleads.

"Oh fine" Yuuki says releasing his cheek. "You better buy me ice cream at least. That sambar was it? Was pretty spicy" she giggles running away to the nearest ice cream stand.

"Hey wait. Oh Yuko.." Calvin sighs with a smile.

Snow begins to fall as the moon began to rise. Calvin looks up as a snowflake lands in his palm.

"Still smiling Hime? I'm so glad to see it" Calvin says blowing on the still fresh snowflake.


"So how is the fair queen doing as of today?" Calvin asks still using the royal voice.

"Haha. Calvin I told you, you don't need to use that silly voice" Hime says giggling. She coughs lightly into her sleeve.

"Are you okay? You seem pale" Calvin asks in worry.

"I think.." Hime wheezes lightly. "I think its time to appoint my new successor" she manages to finish.

"Hime..you don't feel well, don't you?"

"Let's just say its for the best. I know I'm not at my best but I only want my kingdom to thrive for the best" Hime says triumphantly. She had a strong will in-game even if she had a rough life outside it.

"Very well Hime, shall we go to the people?" Calvin asks putting out his hand. Hime nods and takes it as they walk to the main hall. Everyone was called together for the sorrowful yet enlightening news.


"As I move from this world to the next, I shall have my closest and dear friend lead the city to even further fruition" Hime says in her speech. I hand her my sword as her friend steps down on one knee on front of Hime. "I  dub thee, Gracia, as the new queen for the land." Hime taps each shoulder of Gracia dubbing her as the new queen.

"Do you have to leave us so soon Hime?" Gracia asks. She hugs Hime with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry but I have too. Who knows of I get any sicker. I have to be cared for if it does" Hime explains wiping the tears from her eyes. She kisses her forehead before placing her crown on her head.

"Long live Queen Gracia!!" I shout raising my sword.

"Long live Queen Gracia!" the crowd shouts back.

"So what will your first act as Queen going to be?" Hime asks.

"Hmm. I guess, I'll declare a solemn farewell to our passing queen in the best way we can" Gracia announces.

"Here here!" a servant shouts.

"Here here!" everyone responds.

"You guys" Hime says tearing up. "Thank you, thank you everyone!"

After many hugs and goodbyes, I help Hime onto a horse and walk with her out of the village walls. The horse clops its hooves on the beaten down road. Hime and I were silent for the while.

"Hey, Calvin?" Hime begins after a few minutes of walking.

"Yes?" he responds as he leads the horse to the log out sector.

"You're like..a brother I never had" she says looking away in embarrassment.

"A brother? You don't have one IRL?"

"I don't no. Its just, you really helped me out when things felt like it was going downhill"

"I have that tendency too. Very caring yet family friendly" Calvin jokes. Hime giggles.

"Again, thanks for everything. As a brother, knight and friend"

"Anything for a close friend" Calvin says holding Hime's hand tight.

We pass through the portal and log out. When we came back to reality, we had a big surprise waiting for us. Everyone of her family members were dressed up like royalty. Hime was in tears of joy to see her family do so much for her.

A few hours later, her heart gave way. I held her hand still dressed up as a knight. She smiled at me and her family, a beautiful smile of happiness and joy.

Something Calvin would never forget to this day.


The snowflake Calvin had blew flies about before landing on Yuuki's nose.

"Oh hey Aiko. I'm glad to see you still around" Yuuki says looking to the sky above.

Snow begins to fall like endless little dots of white. Each snowflake carrying a story of their own. One thing was for sure, Hime wasn't alone above, she found a new family with a closer friend.

"He's such a dashing fellow isn't he?"

"Yeah, I'm still surprised I basically dated him when he was younger"

The two girls giggle at the thought. Calvin had many tales and sides to him, yet his heart will always be for a certain purple haired girl.

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