"He's gone"

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      "Brim have u seen your brother" . Really no 'hi brim how was school' "No mom he left school early" like always. "Well can you give him a call he isn't answering my calls" "yeah sure"

   I walk into my room throw my bag down and pull out my phone while i take my shoes off.

        Ring.....ring......ring  "
"Um hi, you reached cody but i didn't answer so you can try again or just text me yo kno" that has to be the dumbest voice mail message ever. I think to my self as i call again and again and then i text him

To big head😂🤙🏽😒 - answer the phone dipwadd
Sent /read

  From big head 😂🤙🏽😒- tell mom i wont be home for some weeks dont ask questions and no
   To big head😂🤙🏽😒- moms worried about u asshole so bring it home now
   From big head😂🤙🏽😒- im doing something important leave me alone i love you sis and mom too

  To big head😂🤙🏽😒- whatever dont be surprised when mom rent out your room

"Mom Cody basically ran away and i going to get ice-cream want some" I kno i should be worried but im not cody always runaway but he comes back within a week or so with out any damages done to him. With out a reply I walk of the door and go to the corner store.


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