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Two Months Later:
"So how do you think Ian is gonna take the news?" Jess asks.

"I don't know. We already have twins. We aren't ready for more." I sighed.

I really did not want another baby. But God decided "Hey! Let's give Emma and Ian another baby to add to their two they already have." Like, God, I believe in you and I love you but, now is not the time for three kids. I'm only 20, we're not even married, hell, we ain't even engaged!!

"I'm only 22 and Ian is 23, he just started his MLB career after being called up, this isn't fine with me." I sighed.

Ian has the twins right now so I could go have a girls day with Jessica.

"I'm honestly not ready for another baby. If he leaves me, I don't know what I will do." I sighed.

"It's gonna be alright. If he does leave you, tell me and I'll tell Kris to kick his butt." Jess said.

I kinda of laugh.

Jess had to go and I did too. I walk into the house where Ian is hiding behind the couch.

"Babe what are--" I'm cut off by him.

"Shh. Playing hide and seek with the twins." He whisper yells.

I laugh and walk into the kitchen. I secretly get on my phone and take a video. Riley and AJ walk around the corner from coming down the steps. They see Ian.

"AHH DADDY!" They exclaim, tackling Ian.

He's such a good dad. I post it on Twitter.

@e_montgomery14: Love this guy so much! He's so good with the kids! 💓💓 @ihapp_1

"Hey guys, go find mommy, she's home." Ian says.

Oh shit. I quickly hide behind the counter. It takes them like 5 minutes to find me.

"Mommy!!" They bear hugged me.

"Hey, not too hard on Mommy's tummy, okay?" I said to them.

"Why mommy?" AJ asked.

"Because Mommy's not feeling good." I partially lie.

I really am not feeling good

"Okay, sorry Mommy." Riley said.

"Yeah, sorry Mommy." AJ hugged me then Riley followed.

I love them to death.

"Hey Babe?." Ian's voice rang through the house.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Are you alright?" He asked, sitting by me on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just haven't been feeling the best lately." I sighed, laying my head on his chest.

AJ and Rylee are in their playroom right now watching a movie.

"Why did you tell the kids not to jump on you so hard earlier?" Ian plays with my hair, which I love.

I sighed. I'm just gonna straight up tell him.

"I'm pregnant." I said.

He stops playing with my hair. I have tears falling down my face.

"We can't do three kids right now." Ian said.

I sit up, not even looking at him.

"I-I'm sorry?" I said with a question tone.

"I know we can't but it's happening." I stand up, walking to the bathroom to pee, when in reality, I text Jessica.

E: I told him.

J:What did he say? Did he yell?

E: No but I cried anyway. He said that he can't do another baby. I replied with "I'm sorry? I know we can't but it's happening." Then I came to the bathroom and texted you. Idk what to do Jess 😭

J: Take deep breaths. He will come around. Kris and I are here if you need us. 💙

E:Thanks Jess. 😌

I stood up and walked out of the bathroom to find Ian nowhere to be found. Great.

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