Chapter 30

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I woke up before Niall because I got more sleep than he did. I don't know how he handled this jet lag all the time. I didn't want to get up so I just layed there in his arms. I thought about how lucky I was to have him and how much I loved him. I didn't even believe in a love like this when we first met. He made me believe in love because he showed me what it was like to be loved. He had changed me for the better so much. I knew he truly did love me, but there was always that voice in the back of my head telling me to run. It said to not get too close because he's going to leave. It said to leave because of how much he changed me. Something tried to say get out because he would hurt me the most when it ended because he broke my walls down. The subconscious voice constantly tried to talk me out of loving him.

Every time I started second guessing he did something to show me otherwise. It was too easy to love him. It always overpowered the scared voice. I did love him and I had to stop being scared. He never made me feel scared or like he was leaving. It was all in my own head. He always calmed that fear and reassured me without even knowing what he was doing. Fear was the reason I had the dreams I had last night and the reason I pretended I didn't remember them. I remembered them all too well though and it was wrong of me to lie to Niall. I was going to tell him the dreams at some point. I knew him well enough to know he would immediately find a way to make it better. I needed to find a way to make it better on my own.

I turned away from him but I was still in his arms. I could see out of the huge window that was in our room. I saw the most amazing view. I saw the most beautiful beach view. I wanted to go look at everything but I wanted to stay in his arms even more. Everything I saw was beautiful. I didn't even get a chance to see the place we were staying but the bedroom alone had me in awe as well. How did he even find this place? I wondered if he had brought other girls here but I quickly pushed that thought away. It didn't matter if he had. That was just the annoying voice trying to talk me out of him. I felt Niall move behind me and I was thrown off guard as I was pulled my back against his chest. I smiled to myself and rubbed his arm that was wrapped around me. His raspy and sleepy morning voice quietly breathed into my neck, "Mornin'." He kissed the back of my head.

"Good Morning. This place is beautiful have you seen out this window?"

"I can see the annoyingly bright sunlight."

"Don't be like that, enjoy it!" I tried to get out of his arms but he pulled me close again. I laughed a little and turned my head towards him. His eyes were closed and I surprised him by kissing him. He smiled and moaned a little.

"Mmm. Yeah, more of that. More kissing. Less trying to go look at the bright sun. Stay here." I kissed him again.

"Ive never seen this place. I'm excited." I got out if his arms and went to the window. He groaned because he wasn't ready to get up or for me to leave the bed. Shortly after I made it to the balcony he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist while he rested his chin on my shoulder. "How did you find this place Niall? Did you bring your last girlfriend here?" I didn't mean to ask that. It sounded rude, and just slipped out. I guess the voice in the back of my head turned into my actual voice.

"What? No."  I turned and stayed in his arms.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what made me ask that? I don't really care if you did or not. All that matters is that I'm the one here with you now. Seriously though how did you find it? Where are we?"

"I've never been here Lucy. I honestly don't know where we are exactly. I kind of like it that way. I just told Sam I wanted to take you to a private island and he planned the place to stay and everything. He did it all I don't really deserve credit for this place." I turned back around to look out again.

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