Chapter 29

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Lucy's P.O.V

Niall dropped me off at my house before he went to his house. We probably would have stayed together, but we needed to pack for the island. We also had to get ready to go out with everyone. I walked into my house to be greeted by Sam, "Lucy!!! You're home!"

"Yep, I'm here." He ran to me to give me a hug.

"Did you have fun on your trip? How was camping? America? Ireland? Sex?"

"Good, it was all good. What a weird question to add on to the end of that list though. It was also good. We had a great time."

"Are you ready for the island and for tonight?" I felt the excitement bubble up inside me.

"I am so ready. I'm excited to go to this island. I have no idea where it is though. He won't tell me much about anything. I'm just excited to spend all this time with him. He's been really busy lately, but I also know when this is all over he's leaving for a few weeks."

"You'll be fine. You have me and Derek to hang out with."

"Yeah, I'm excited for him to go do what he loves. It's going to be fine. I'm going to go pack before we all hang out." I went to my room and started packing. Niall was meeting us at the restaurant. I was riding with Sam and Derek and I'd probably leave with Niall. I had my bags packed and waiting for me to pick them up after the dinner. I took a shower and let my hair dry into its natural curls while I applied light makeup. I put on my dress and went to see if Sam and Derek were ready. Niall had reserved a table for everyone at a really nice place so everyone was dressed up nice. We drove to the restaurant and I sat in the backseat while Sam drove with Derek on the passenger side. Derek got out of the car and opened the door for me. He held my hand and kissed it as I stepped out of the car. He was trying to over exaggerate the fanciness of the evening, so I laughed at him. We walked in to find Niall waiting for us. He turned to face me and smiled. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug. He kissed the side of my head, "You look beautiful."

"Well you just haven't seen me in anything except unflattering camping clothes and casual outfits."

"Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"You are horrible at taking compliments. Why don't you just accept them?" I shrugged my shoulders because I didn't have an actual response for him. "I thought you looked good in your camping clothes too. I always think you look beautiful."

I could feel myself blushing and all I could say was, "Stop."

"No, you're supposed to say thank you."

"We have a dinner to go to." I started to walk away, and Niall grabbed my arm to turn me around.

"Not until you say thank you." I playfully rolled my eyes at him. I gave him a fake smile.

"Thank you."

"You don't mean that but I'll take it." He smiled and kissed my forehead. He put his hand on my hip and guided me to a table where everyone was already seated. Everyone greeted me with the usual pleasantries. I introduced Sam and Derek to Niall's friends and the rest of the band and they all got along great. We ate our food and just had a good time. Niall kept putting his hand on my knee trying to slide it up my dress but I pushed it away every time he tried. If I didn't move his hand completely off of me I least pushed his hand back down to my knee. I honestly didn't want to push his hand away because I constantly craved any and all physical contact from Niall. He slid his hand back up my skirt to my thigh. I once again had to pull his hand lower. I squeezed his hand and looked up at him. He had his incredibly sexy smirk on his face, and I hated that I loved it so much. He was driving me crazy, but we didn't have any time for sex. We had to get on a plane after dinner, and I'm not sure how long the plane ride would even be.

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