Chapter 36

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~Liza POV~

We just arrived at the airport in Texas. I'm home!! I can't wait to tell my parents I'm getting married!! I hope they are just as excited as I am about this!! I'm sure they will be they are always talking about how David is perfect for me and all that.

Me and David hopped out of our seats and grabbed our bags.

D:" You ready, Pookie"
L:"I think the question is are you ready"
D:" Of course I am. I get to tell my future parents in law that I'm marrying their beautiful daughter. I can't wait till we get to your house"
L:" So not nervous"
D:" Nope"

David dosent seem even a little bit nervous. I'm proud. I was nervous to tell his parents. And after his mom I figured he would be nervous too.

We make our way off the plane. My parents should be waiting outside the shoot for us.

D:" Your parents will be happy about this right"?
L:" I thought you weren't nervous"?
D:" I'm not I'm just curious"
L:" Ya I'm sure they will be happy about this. They love you. They are always talking about how happy they are that I met you and all kinds of stuff like that"
D:" Okay good"
L:" I think your a little nervous"
D:" Nope"
L:" Just a little bit" I say piching my fingers really close
D:" Nope not even a little bit" he puts my fingers together where there is no space between them.

I turn to face him. He smiles at me. He grabs my waist causing me to drop my bag. He pulls me close to him and kisses me. He pulls away.

All I hear after he pulls away is "awwww". We totally forgot about the people that were getting off the plane also.

I grab my bag and start walking. He runs up to me and grabs my hand and walks at the same pace as me.

D:" Whyd you leave? They thought it was cute"
L:" I'm sure they wanted off the plane"
D:" If they did they would have said excuse me"
L:" I don't like that kind of attention"
D:" But you do YouTube"
L:" That's different."
D:" Oh okay. How?"
L:" shouldn't you know this. You do YouTube also"
D:" Ya, but, I don't mind that kind of attention"
L:" Well, I guess it's because when i do YouTube I want the attention but when I don't I feel uncomfortable"
D:" Oh okay I understand now"

We just got out of the long shute and we are in the actual airport.

I look around for my parents. I don't see them at first. David points them out. They are holding up a sign that says " Our beautiful daughter Liza!!! Oh and David"

We walk over to them. I hug both of them.

L:" I've missed you guys"
LM:" I bet we missed you a whole bunch more"
LD:" I know I missed you more"
L:" That's not possible. Okay well me and David have some news"
LM:" am I gonna be a grandma"?
L:" Why does everybody think I'm pregnant? Am I that fat"?
D:" Your not fat babe. Your beautiful"!
L:" Thanks bubba"
D:" No problem, Pookie"
LM:" Okay so what did you want to tell us"?
D:" On"
D+l:" Were getting Married"!!!!
LM+LD:" Oh my god!! You guys congratulations!!! We are so happy for you!!!"
D+l:" Thanks guys"
LM:" Let's have a celebration dinner tonight!! We can invite your friends from your highschool Liza!!"
L:" That would be great"
LD:" Me and your mom will go to the store and you guys can go home and maybe take a nap so your not so jet lagged"
L:" Okay, thank you"

I hug both of them and me and David walk out. We call and uber to come and pick us up.

It arrives about 10 min later. David puts our stuff in the back and we both get in the seats.

I sit in the middle seat so that I can put my head on Davids shoulder. He kisses my forehead.

I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

~David POV~

We just pulled up to Liza's parents house. I look over at Liza and she has fallen asleep.

She so beautiful. And she's all mine. I don't ever want to lose this girl. She's my life. I wouldn't be David without Liza. Just the way she smiles lights up my day. I could never get enough of this girl. I'm marrying this girl. This amazing girl.

Driver:" sir you really need to get out of the car"
D:" Right, sorry. I'm gonna get the stuff out of the back then I will be back for her"
Driver:" Alright"

I hop out of the car and grab all the stuff out of the back. I put it all on the curb.

I open the door to get to Liza. But before I grab her I pay the uber. I pick Liza up bridal style.

I thank the driver then walk Liza inside. I lay her on the couch and go back outside to grab our bags.

When I get back inside I see Liza sitting on the couch rubbing her face.

D:" Good afternoon pookie" she turns to look at me
L:" Good afternoon"
D:" Why did you wake up"?
L:" I realized that you weren't next to me"
D:" Awwww, pookie"
L:" Are you tired"
D:" Ya"
L:" We can go and take a nap in my room if you want"
D:" Alright. I'll get the bags"
L:" I can get my own"
D:" Its alright"
L:" Fine"

I grab the bags and follow Liza up the stairs. I'm not gonna lie. I stared at her butt the whole way up. She has a nice one. And its mine.

She stops at a door which I'm assuming is hers and opens it.

I step in the room and there's tons of stuff from Liza's highschool years. Trophy's for dance, tons of pictures, backpacks, etc.

D:" nice room"
L:" thanks"
D:" Is all this stuff from highschool"?
L:" Most of it. Like this" she says holding what looks like a fish bowl figurine.

I'm confused. Why does she need that. Or why does she have it?

D:" Why do you have a fish bowl figurine"
L:" I got it from my crush Jimmy is middle school"
D:" And you kept it"?
L:" Well ya. I never said I stopped liking him through highschool"
D:" Oh okay"

I walked by all her stuff on her walls. She has tons of trophys for dance. She must have been good.

L:" Are you ready to take a nap"
D:" Of course. When I nap I get to cuddle you"
L:" Awwww,bubba"

I lay down on the bed and she lays down next to me. I cuddle up close to her.

D:" Night, pookie"
L:" Night, bubba"

I kissed her head before I fell asleep.

~Author note~

Hey, guys its me. I'm sorry its been so long. I'm back though. That's what counts right? Well I'm sorry its so short. I'm still not completely healed. But I'm getting there obviously. Well I went back to being blond guys. My great grandma said she always liked my blond hair so I changed it for her. Well that's all I have for you guys today!! Little white girl is out byeeeee!!!

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