Epilogue (Part 1)

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-7 months later-
I sat on the couch, looking at my small tummy. I had wondered why it had been so small the whole 9 months but didn't question it. I got up and made my way into the kitchen, stopping to grab a glass I then went to the sink and filled it up. Zane's present could be felt as I felt something dripping between my legs, I looked down and noticed that the bottom of my shorts were completely soaked.
"What are you looking at sweetie?" He asked, walking over. Just then I felt a sharp pain and gasped, falling to my knees. He dropped his phone as rushed to my side, falling to his knees as well before looking at me.
"Should we call an ambulance?" He asked, worried as another jolt of pain surged through my body, I felt it coming.
"There's no time, I feel it coming." I said, starting to push. I felt something move. "Do you know how to deliver babies?"
"No, but just tell me what to do." He said, panicked as he pulled off my shorts. "Okay, the heads sticking out." He said, before running and grabbing his phone. "Hello? My wife is giving birth and I need an ambulance." "We can't wait, the heads sticking out. Can you coach me through it?" He said panicked, to 911.
"Okay the face is down." "Push KC." I gasped as more pain surged through my body. I continued to push until he sighed. "A towel? Okay." He went into the drawer and got a dish towel. He wrapped the baby in it while I whined in pain.
"Why is it still hurting?" I cried as I felt the need to push again. I did so and then I felt movement. His eyes went wide as he put the other baby on the ground.
"Oh no, there's another one. Are the paramedics close?" "Okay good." "KC push again, you're doing an amazing job." The pain got so intense I started to scream, not insanely though. I pushed one more time as I felt Zane pull slightly. "Okay, they're both out." A knock could be heard before a man and a woman, the man being a meifwa, came in and started to help.
"Okay they're here, thank you." He replied before putting his phone down.
"How are you feeling miss?" The man asked me while the woman got Zane to help her cut the umbilical cords.
"I-I feel a bit dizzy but other then that, I feel okay."
"Well you did an amazing job with the delivery." He replied as we got me onto the stretcher and wheeled me out and into the ambulance. Zane hopped in after me.
"You did amazing babe." He said, as we began to drive off. The ride seemed quiet before we arrived at the hospital, I was placed into a room before being hooked up to an IV for a blood transfusion. Zane sat on the chair starting to text people, thank god.

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