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baekhyuns mind would always travel back to that one night, when young sehun knocked on his door, tears in his eyes.

it reminded him of the situation baekhyun found himself in only a few weeks ago. he himself had knocked on sehuns door, with tears in his eyes.

to say history was repeating itself was an understatement. but regardless, baekhyun was glad sehun reached out to him that night, if he hadn't they wouldn't have grown closer and none of this would've happened.

but moving back to the present, baekhyun and the rest of exo were on their way to japan right now, flying back and forth from different countries made touring so tiring but secretly baekhyun loved it. the time they all spent together made him happy.

of course it was exhausting but he wouldn't ask to spend his time any other way.

speaking of spending his time, baekhyun really should be resting but he couldn't help himself. it was the first time he was alone since the preparations for comeback began and he wanted to cherish it.

he hasn't told any of the other members before but in his spare time, baekhyun loved to spend hours looking through fan accounts on instagram, twitter, tumblr, weibo etc.

he loves reading all the thoughtful comments by fans, and he gets a warm feeling in his stomach when he sees them standing up for him and the other members. although he doesn't agree with them getting into fights with fans of other groups. he knows if it was the other way round he'd do the same for the fans. after all, we are one right?

baekhyun was so invested in his phone screen he barely noticed the head that dropped onto his shoulder lightly.

glancing down he saw a head full of orange hair, confused he soon realised it was sehun. he almost forgot they dyed his hair orange for the comeback. sehun loves it but baekhyun secretly hates it!

he smiled to himself regardless, quickly taking a selfie with sehuns head on his shoulder, making sure not to wake him and went back to stalking his fans on instagram.

it must've been two hours later and finally the other members were waking up.

"did you not sleep at all, hyung?"

baekhyun shushed jongin and pointed to a sleeping sehun, whom baekhyun has now moved into his arms after moving the arm chair out of the way.

yawning and then smiling jongin took out his phone snapping a picture of the cute couple before proceeding to wake up kyungsoo.

"oh I wouldn't do that-"

baekhyun was shocked as he watched the scene unfold before him.

kyungsoo's eyes fluttered open and a smile creeped on his face as he saw jongin facing him only inches away.

"wow, he didn't kill you." kyungsoo's head shot over to baekhyun, his eyes widened. as soon as he realised he witnessed that a coral shade tinted his cheeks causing him to cover his face.

"awww kyungie!" jongin wrapped his arms around the small, embarassed boy, kissing his head several times, kyungsoo mumbling how that wasn't helping yet he didn't stop him.

baekhyun just smiled and glanced down at his boyfriend. brushing a few strands of hair from his forehead before planting a simple kiss upon it.

he then proceeded to wrap his arms around his tall boyfriends waist and cradle him while he slept through the rest of the flight.


unknowingly, baekhyun must've fell asleep because the next thing he remembers is waking up on an airplane in japan. not to mention this time he was in his boyfriends arms, who was very much awake.

"rise and shine sleepyhead." sehun whispered in his ear, sending signals along every inch of his body. a smirk appeared on sehuns face as he saw what affect he had on his tiny boyfriend. baek tried to look intimidating by scowling at him while sitting up properly this time. "tease." baekhyun mumbled through his yawns.

it just made him look even cuter, he realised that as soon as he noticed he was sitting in sehuns lap.

baekhyun just sighed. "you love treating me like a baby don't you?" baekhyun crossed his arms, not stopping sehuns fit of laughter one bit.

he finally caught breath and spoke again. "yes I do, baby." the younger boy smiled, pulling baekhyun closer by his waist, placing a kiss to his cheek.

this action made baekhyuns face heat up rather rapidly. making sehun even more pleased with himself.

"why can't I make you blush like that?" the smaller mumbled under his breath.

sehun just smirked, "aw baby that ain't ever gonna-" sehuns eyes widened and a moan slipped from his mouth.

baekhyun was kissing all the way down sehuns neck. suddenly hearing a noise coming from the corner of the plane, all eyes were on sehun.

baekhyun just continued with his work, sucking on his collar bone as he reached it. sehun covered his mouth, his cheeks getting red.

"baekie, stop they're staring!" sehun whispered desperately. "fineeeeeee, only because you called me baekie though!" baekhyun just sat back down on sehuns lap and leaned back against his chest, smiling proudly to himself.

he has made the proud oh sehun himself blush. I bet luhan would love that story.

he really missed luhan...

wait, hang on, wasn't luhan going to be at the same award show on friday?

no, it can't be.

"oh and guys remember luhan, kris and tao will be at the ceremony on friday. don't attract too much attention!"

of course suho would know kris was gonna be there! I wonder if sehun is ok about all of this?


and I'm back with an update, I hope you liked this. it wasn't one of my best but I still liked it.


your truly,

author-nim xoxo

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