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ever since sehun and baekhyun were forced to tell the world and most of all their fans about their relationship together, it hadn't been quite the same.

there was positive responses but there was, of course, the negative responses also. when baekhyun first saw the hate comments websites recieved when they published an article about their relationship, he found it difficult to stop reading them. it got to the point where he found himself looking them up just to read the hate.

no matter how many times sehun reassured him, he couldn't deny that the comments got to him and it hurt. he promised sehun he'd never look at them again but baekhyun knew he would.

once again, baekhyun found himself on a generic kpop website looking through the comments of an article about what the fans named 'sebaek'.

chanbaekshipper96 - OMG I bet this is just a cover up for the reunion of chanbaek, that couple was everyone's favourite!!!!!!!!! #chanbaek

baekhyun couldn't help but shudder reading that, remembering what a toxic relationship, his and chanyeols was.

exolforever - I can't believe this is true!!!!!!! sehun is like the worst member of exo, baekhyun deserve better ♥️♥️ exo fighting! not sehun btw

comments like those made baekhyun more angry than upset, he couldn't bare reading comments from people who called themselves fans of the group, but actually only like certain members.

besides sehun didn't deserve the hate he was getting, he was a beautiful, handsome, talented man and if anything he deserves love.

antibaekbitch - sehun is actually with someome like baekhyun? ew wtf sehun, why would you be with someone as trash as him? he doesn't even deserve to be in exo 😷😷😠

baekhyun pressed the power button on his phone, switching it off. bring his knees up to his chest, he felt tears slide down his cheek.

his hands shakily wiped them away, as he began taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

he was interrupted by a knock on the door, which he ignored. whoever was on the other side tried to open the door but he had locked it.

"baekhyun? it's chanyeol!"

the smaller male attempted to wipe away and stray tears and calm himself down, as he could hear hushed voices from the other side of the door.

"sehun, do you have a key?"

"he won't open the door."

he could clearly hear sehuns sigh from outside the room.

"baek? it's just me, im gonna give you one more chance to open the door, or I'm gonna have to use the key ok?"

he started to panic, he didn't want sehun to see him like this. he had promised him he wouldn't do this again.

"no no no stay out there! please I'll be on minute! STOP stay outside!"

sehun told chanyeol to go away, as he knew he would make it worse by being there, and then used the spare key they have to open the door.

"baekie? I'm coming in, omo baekhyun!" sehun rushed over to cradle the smaller boy in his arms.

sehun knew exactly what was happening right now. baekhyun was having another panic attack.

ever since the events with luhan and coming out to the public, baekhyuns minor anxiety problems for a whole lot worse.

he started having panic attacks at random moments during the day.

it usually happens when he's scared or he's worried about something and he's alone with no one to reassure him.

the only reason this panic attack occured was because the door was locked and sehun couldn't help him get past his wave of anxiety, but he isnt blaming the fragile boy in his arms.

"ok ok, shh baby it's ok. no one's gonna hurt you, I'm here. just take deep breaths." baekhyuns short, quick breaths weren't slowing down so he had to try a different way.

sehun held baekhyuns face in his own hands, forcing him to look at him. there were tears brimming the olders eyes, which sehuns thumb brushed says softly.

"were gonna take deep breaths, me any you, together ok?" baekhyun nodded, earning a small smile from sehun. "ok on the count of three, follow with me. 3, 2, 1 and breath in."

both of them breathed in deeply through their nose, baekhyun hiccuping because of his toruble breathing, which sehun found precious.

"and breath out." baekhyuns breathing seemed to be much calmer now but holding onto the trembling hands of the older male, sehun took of his hoodie, placing around baekhyuns zipping it up for him.

"there, you must of been freezing, that's much better."

warmth spread through all of baekhyuns body from sehuns hoodie, especially his cheeks.

"ok," he pulled the hood up over baekhyuns head and "do you want to talk about what got you so upset to begin with?" baekhyun just shook his head, not wanting to answer.

"why not?"

"you wouldn't like it..."

"I know your still reading those comments." baekhyun looked up at his boyfriend with wide eyes, "your not mad are you?" sehun just sighed, taking baekhyuns hands. "never, I just wish you wouldn't read those things, i-i wouldn't want you to anything stupid because of them."

the next thing sehun felt was a pair of tiny arms wrapping themselves around his neck and the small bundle of joy he calls his boyfriend, climb on to his lap.

"I'd never want to leave you, ever. I love you."

baekhyun places his petite hands on sehuns face, kissing him softly, every emotion being put into it.

as they pulled apart, sehun stared at his boyfriend in awe, "that's the first time you've told me you love me and were serious about it."

"yeah well I'm full of surprises!" baekhyuns speaks with a small smile on his face.

"oh yeah, like what?" sehun couldn't help the smirk that made its way onto his face as he held baekhyun close to him tightly.

"I guess you'll just have to find out..."

sehuns huffs and pouts, staring into baekhyuns eyes innocently.

"aish, fine fine you win!"
baekhyun then smirks, pushing sehun down on to the bed and let's just say, he definitely won.


idek wtf that ending was 😂

but I'm sorry for those spam updates of the fansigns I was just super duper excited etc. I hope you didn't mind.

anywho, this story will be coming to an end in 2 chapters.

I'm so glad that i got the chance to write this and I'm so happy with the feedback I received from it, your guys' comments make my day so thank you so much and another thank you so much for almost 3k reads ♥️

yours truly,

author-nim xoxo

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