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idk if any of your active/current readers are new readers or re-reading but if your re-reading then i wanna tell you that I'm going to completely rewrite the rest of the story bc I don't particularly like how I ended the story and I really hope this time is going to be even better.


if you haven't read this story before then this part is irrelevant to you bc it's all new to you. sooooo bc I just wasted all you guys' time then I present to you some really cute ass gifs 💞💞💞 :

 sooooo bc I just wasted all you guys' time then I present to you some really cute ass gifs 💞💞💞 :

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I love baekhyun a lot a lot a lot a lot x

this was so dang adorable poor baby can't catch a break, always getting hit by his brothers 😂

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this was so dang adorable poor baby can't catch a break, always getting hit by his brothers 😂

this was so dang adorable poor baby can't catch a break, always getting hit by his brothers 😂

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baekie can't keep his hands away from sehunnie ^•^

AWWWEEE BABY NO I LOVE YOU AND YOUR PRECIOUS LIL TUMMY OK but I also love you and your abs so if your more confident with your abs then that's perfectly fine with me too ^-^

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AWWWEEE BABY NO I LOVE YOU AND YOUR PRECIOUS LIL TUMMY OK but I also love you and your abs so if your more confident with your abs then that's perfectly fine with me too ^-^

AWWWEEE BABY NO I LOVE YOU AND YOUR PRECIOUS LIL TUMMY OK but I also love you and your abs so if your more confident with your abs then that's perfectly fine with me too ^-^

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I love this so much his smile is ethereal

I love this so much his smile is ethereal

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if this ain't the most precious thing you've ever seen, you ain't living

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if this ain't the most precious thing you've ever seen, you ain't living


I'm done now. the next chapter will be up as soon as I've finished writing it and edited it sooooo I hope you guys can wait that long 💞 ly x

- jae xoxo

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