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"Yo, what the fuck?" I woken up from a slumber I hadnt even realized I slipped in.

There was a man in front of me, confusion written over his face.

I sat up, alert and confused myself. But I moved too fast, cursing myself at the pain in my leg.

Thats when he notices the fat ass boot on my leg. Now there's two other people behind him. Two other man with golden teeth and dreads.

"Who the fuck are you?" That was my reflex question.

If I managed to sleep through our camp trolley being hijacked by gangsters I guess that would make one hell of a story to tell?

"Who the fuck are you? Youre on our bus."

"Fuck." I dont say above my breath as I come to the only valid realization.

Please dont tell me I managed to get on the wrong trolley.

My mind went over when I was at the store and I was advised to go rest.

There was now two trolleys in the gas station instead of one. I thought nothing of it, and hopped on the one I knew to be mine.

I thought.

"Howd you get on here?" One of the other guys ask.

"I thought it was the camp bus." That's all I say, because inside im still hoping this isn't real. And I didnt do something so stupid.

My mom will never let me leave the house again. Do it once, I end up in a fatal crash. Did it again, im on a trolley with strangers headed god knows where.

"Nigga what?" He responds.

"Oh shit shes one of those girl scouts. She got on our bus thinking it was hers." They put the puzzle pieces together on their own. Which im grateful for because im too baffled to speak now.

My hands find their way in my hair, as tears fill my eyes.

Maybe its the crash that I have yet to physically or mentally heal from. Or maybe its me cracking under the pressure of reality after being so shielded for 17 years of my life.

"Girl scouts? You dont look like a girl scout. Dont they got those badges and shit?" They ask each other.

I dont answer. I just quietly have a panic attack in front of these strangers.

"Because she's obviously not a fucking girl scout."

They stop going back and forth, their attention in me now. This is when they notice this mental breakdown im having, and their tones soften up.

"Aye, alright you got a number we can call or something? Your mom? Or the camp shit you was with?"

I nod, my chest heaving while I pull out my phone.

That's when I see the time. Its nearly 1 in the morning.

Meaning my camp trolley is probably already in Tallahassee. Also meaning whoever im with, and wherever theyre heading, we are definitely now very very far away from where I should be.

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