Episode Twenty One: My World

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J'ohn's pov
    This was one of the biggest days of the year. In just a week was homecoming and this day was the big race. The students all joined together around the track field, chatting with friends and happily contributing to school spirit. I sat down on the bleachers with Diana, Ray, Vic, Victor and the rest of Barry's group of friends. We were all worried about our little speedster because of this year's drama. I especially was worried after what had happened to Barry a week ago. Barry had not brought it up and still had that big smile he always had but I knew it was fake. He couldn't show he was traumatized and I knew his friends wouldn't care if he needed emotional support but Barry was being stubborn. I figured he also felt guilty about being so depressed over Hal, even though his friends and I told him he was no burden just because he was going through a hard time.
     "He's been training really hard, like he is trying to forget something." I heard Don say to Ray. "But every time I asked him what was up, he just smiles and says nothing."
    "Yeah but Barry's always been passionate over track." Ray pointed out. "I don't think it's anything serious."
    "But I just think..." Don started but was interrupted by his brother.
"Let it be Don." Hank said trying reassure him. "If Barry needed help or was upset, he'd tell us." His brother didn't seem convinced and just sighed. "No need to stress over it."
    I was trying to mind my own business but I decided to bud into the conversation. "I thought it was just me but you guys can sense there is something wrong with Barry too?"
     "Yeah!" Don said happy someone was agreeing with him. "All he's been doing is practicing and doing homework, which isn't too unusual but he barely talks to anyone and that is not like him at all."
I sighed and glanced at the track, trying to see if Barry was there with his team. The runners hadn't left the school building yet so Barry was nowhere to be seen.
"It's probably just over Hal." Victor shrugged. "I know they got into that whole fiasco months ago but it was still a huge deal."
"Yeah I would beat the crap out of Hal for all the pain he's caused." Hank said nodding his head. "I mean what kind of asshole would sleep with their best friend and then act like nothing happened?"
"Not to mention ignore him and act like he was nothing." Victor nodded in agreement.
I didn't feel like this talk about Hal was necessary or even respectful. But before I could speak up, Diana beat me to it.
"That's enough guys." She said looking a bit annoyed. "Hal may be an idiot and has done some pretty awful things, but we have no right to hate on him like that, we don't know the whole situation and Barry isn't even bad talking him, so why should we?"
"Well to be fair..Barry doesn't bad talk anyone." Don smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
"Doesn't matter." Diana said shaking her head in disapproval. "We will not talk about badly about Hal, not even he really deserves it."
    I found it odd that Diana was saying all of this because of how much she disapproved of Hal. I could tell she doubted the guy could even make good decisions or that he was anything besides arrogant. But she was defending his name and I couldn't help but smile at that, people are definitely amazing creatures.
I glanced at where Hal and his friends were sitting. Hal had his hands clenched tightly together like he was nervous. Oliver Queen was talking to him, maybe to calm him but it didn't look like it was working. I felt myself smile with the strange thought that Hal had a plan and I hoped it was to fix this drama.
"The runners are out!" Don announced and my eyes followed where he was pointing. The Justice Academy runners were lining up at the starting line. I could make out Barry fixing himself and pushing back his hair. He looked nervous and there was a deep frown on his face, what could he be thinking about?
"You can do it Barry!" I jumped and looked at Hal who had suddenly jumped from his seat, with a huge grin on his face. "Win this for us!"
    Barry's expression changed from concentration to shock as he looked to find the voice. I knew he could tell it was from Hal which made him even more surprised. His lips threatened to form a smile and Barry quickly looked away from the stands.
    "Yeah Hal...that's exactly what he needs." I grin to myself. "Yeah!" I cheered. "Make us proud Barry!'
Barry looked embarrassed but deeply appreciative of our cheers, which only increased with each one of his friends giving him a cheer.
"Okay thank you!" Barry yelled back. "I really appreciate it." He chuckled slightly. "But please settle down, I beg you."
I laughed with the others and nodded to the request. None of us wanted to settle down but embarrassing Barry was only fun for a bit.
"Good luck Barry." I whisper one more time. "We know you can do it."
Barry's pov
This was it. The race was about to start and I was ready to win and prove myself champion of all the schools in Missouri. I was nervous but this was not my first race so my nerves were used to all of it. I had been practicing nonstop for weeks and this whole year I had been preparing for this race, I was ready. The race rules were simple and straightforward; each school chose three of their finest runners, who would run three long laps, only one teammate from each team was required to get to the finish line first, once they did, the race was won.
I glanced at the two runners next to me, Jessie Chambers and Eddie(Eoboard) Thawne. Jessie was a nice girl who I knew was an excellent runner and Thawne, well despite all the hard feelings I had against him, he was great as well.
"Keep it together Barry." I told myself as I looked away from him, I couldn't get distracted, I needed to stay focus and succeed.
"Hey Barry." I felt a hand crawl onto my shoulder and I shuttered. "You sore?"
"Thawne..." I breathed knowing exactly where he thought I was sore. "Can you please not touch me?"
He chuckled, his sick grin only increasing. "Oh trust me Barry, I touched you just enough, good luck today." He kicked my calf slightly. "Or better yet...break a leg."
I sighed in relief seeing Thawne walk back to his side of the starting line. He seriously had problems and of course, I was lucky enough to be involved in them. I was going to prove that what he did to me didn't affect me and that I was still going to win.
"Fuck you asshole..." I mumbled furrowing my eyebrows in concentration. "This is my time."
    The runners all got into him position, for it was time to start. We all gave one final breath before the shot was fired and the race began.
    I was already passing everyone and had gained great speed. I smiled confidently, knowing that at this rate, I would definitely win. I was in complete awe, with the wind blowing through my hair, how the world seemed to go slow around me, almost like time had stopped. The rush in my blood was something I could not truly explain, as if I was getting high just from the thrill of track. But with most type of highs, one is not truly aware of their surroundings and neither was I. I didn't notice Thawne getting close to me and placing a stone ahead of my trail. I kept running until I felt something hard under my feet, causing me trip and fall.
"Ah!" The speed I had gained impacted my fall, so it was much harder than a regular trip. My leg twisted in a weird way and I felt a sickly crack in my shin bone, it was broken.
"Damn it!' I swore at the immense pain as I lay on the track field. The crowd was staring at me and I felt my eyes burn with embarrassment. I was so close, so fucking close, at beating this race and proving to myself and everyone else, that I could overcome anything.
"No...I can do this.." I bit my lip as I tried to stand up. It worked for a moment, I was able to stand up, despite the horrible pain. I tried to run again but it only resulted me falling onto my face, the pain even worse.
"Barry stop!"
Hal's pov
    My fists gripped with anger, that bastard. One of the runners had deliberately placed a large stone in front of Barry, causing him to trip. It must have been Thawne, he hated Barry from the very beginning and this was just his way of getting revenge.
"Barry.." My heart ached to see Barry look so hurt and defeated. I looked amongst the crowd to see if anyone was going to help him, but everyone was just paying attention to the other runners.
"Fuck..." I wasn't going to panic, that wouldn't help Barry at all. I needed a plan but what? I thought for a moment before shaking my head. No. I was not one to have a plan, I was just going to act and pray this all worked out.
"Barry stop!" I yelled running down the bleacher stairs. "Stop moving, I'm coming to help you!"
    Barry stopped trying to walk and glanced at me, his eyes filled with shock and hurt. It broke my heart even more to see that and all I wanted to do was hold him. I got to his side, sitting besides him, after moving him so the other runners wouldn't hurt him.
"Hal.." He said quietly, one hand on his leg and the other on his side, in attempt to support his weight. "Hal..."
"I know Barry, I saw everything, that fucking bastard won't get away with this-"
"Why did you move me out of the way! Idiot!" Barry snapped at me. "I could have gotten back on my own and won!"
I nearly laughed at this. "Barry you just fucking fell and your leg is probably broken, you're not winning shit."
He glared at me, his right fist threatening to break my jaw. "I was close! But now I will never know because of you! Thanks a whole lot!"
    I sighed, the fear that Barry was pissed at me was confirmed. I didn't blame him for being mad, hell I even expected it but this was dumb. "Bar, I know you're mad at me, but you have to be logical and realize no one wins a race with a broken leg.."
"I could!" He snapped. "I could have! I needed to!" His eyes broke out into angry tears. "I had to show him! Prove that he can't hurt me..."
I frowned, wondering he meant by "him" I wiped away Barry's tears, letting my fingers brush into his hair in attempt to comfort him.
"Barry, not winning this race doesn't prove anything." I said softly, his eyes slowly looking back into mine. "It doesn't mean you are less incredible than you were before." I had his cheeks in my hands, so I had his complete attention. "Like when Bruce beat me up, you told me that I will only use this failure to get stronger and I'll actually be happy for it when I'm older and successful..."
"So take your own advice and realize that you're still amazing and.."
"Hal! Listen to me!"
I frowned and nodded, letting Barry explain himself.
"What you are saying is completely true and I'm not taking it back." He said placing his hands on mine. "But I really need to complete this race, maybe not win, but at least complete it...because it will make me stronger."
I couldn't say anything to argue against that, those blue eyes looking at me, could always persuade me. "But...I wanna help you."
Barry gave me a quizzical look. "How?"
"Like this." I pulled Barry's arm around my shoulders while I held onto his side. "We are going to finish this race, broken leg or not."
Barry smiled and nodded confidently. "Right."
    I smiled and started to walk back onto the field, making sure Barry could easily follow. His other hand gripped onto my shirt, so he could keep balance. The crowd gave us a mix of strange and sweet looks. But I couldn't care less about the looks, as long we weren't kicked off the track and I could help Barry, nothing else mattered.
"How are you doing Bar?" I asked when we entered the second lap. "You aren't saying much."
"I am a little hot but I'm okay." He smiled at me. His broken leg was above ground so he would not put any pressure on it.
"Good!" I said excitedly, seeing Jesse get closer to the finish line. I hoped she would win, so that Justice Academy could win the trophy and Thawne wouldn't get the credit of receiving it. If Barry had not gotten injured, this race would have been his. I held him a little closer to my body, trying to assure him that it was okay.
    Barry didn't say anything but gave me a smile, looking determined and not defeated like he did before.
After what seemed like forever, Barry and I could see the finish line. The other runners had made it to the finish line, but the winner was unknown to either of us. I was expecting the crowd to be gone at this point, for everyone to be quiet. But our surprise, there was a huge crowd around the track, all of them cheering for us to cross the line.
Diana and the others were the most noticeable, cheering loudly, with all supportive smiles on their faces. I glanced at Ollie who gave me a supporting thumbs up and I nodded to him. To the crowd, this was a beautiful moment in which one person helped the other achieve their dream and succeed. To our friends, this was the moment I finally got my act together and proved my love to the blonde beside me.
    Once our feet touched the finish line, Barry screamed in delight and hugged my neck tightly. I chuckled and held him close, making sure his leg didn't push into anything. The crowd around us was congratulating and trying to make conversation but I couldn't hear them. My entire world at that moment, only consisted of me and Barry Allen.
Barry looked up at me, his cheeks red from how much he was smiling. "Hey.." He said to break the silence.
"Hey." I said brushing back some of his hair. "How you doing?"
He chuckled and shook his head, either judging me or just in disbelief, I wasn't sure. "Damn Hal...picked a good day to make a comeback."
    I frowned and nodded, feeling ashamed. I should have apologized sooner, made this all right sooner but I didn't. I have made everything so complicated just because I couldn't come to terms with my feelings.
"I'm sorry Bar, I screwed up, I know I did." I said fighting back content of myself. "It took me so long to listen to my heart...to the truth."
    Barry didn't say anything and just stared at me, like he was trying to decide if I was being truthful.
"But all of that time...instead of denying my feelings and trying to pretend like you didn't exist." I sighed. "I could have been with you...have you in my arms and tell you something so simple and yet, so true."
"And that is?" He asked expectantly.
"I love you."
Barry laughed and shook his head. "Dummy..."
    I opened to mouth to defend myself, but was shut up by lips upon mine. I sighed in relief and kissed Barry with all the passion and love I could muster. I had wanted this for so long and so badly. Barry was letting me have a shot, an actual chance of being the boyfriend he deserves. I wasn't going to fuck up this time, was not going to get into another off and on again relationship. Barry was my entire world and everyday, I was going to show him that, to truly make up for the hurt I caused him.
    We pulled away to breathe and I smiled contently into my boyfriend's eyes. He smiled back and gave my shoulder a tight squeeze.
"I love you too."

AN: If I did not make it clear before, Justice Academy is in Central City, which is in Missouri. So all the schools they competed against are also in Missouri. So...yeah, just to clear up confusion

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