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Back in the shop, Mae and Lilly are winding down after the evening rush. Mae finishes scrubbing tables and the front end counters, and begins collecting books that were left out, placing them lovingly back on the shelves. After a moment of contemplation, she decides to pull the books she and Lilly are reading and places them on their table.

"How's the back looking Lilly?" Mae asks, "Do you need any help?"

Lilly pauses her scrubbing and looks around at the things that she still has to do. "Would you even help me if I said yes?" She scowls back, "Cuz, I kinda do." Her tone softened by the fact that she smiles as Mae walks into the kitchen. "Please?"

"No problem," Mae begins scrubbing dishes as well, "Front's done and our baking list is laid out."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got all the inventory done, the prep is clean and the grill is clean. After the dishes we just need to mop. Guess it's an all nighter tonight." Lilly grumbles under her breath.

"I don't think an all nighter is needed, but we did have quite a lot of business this afternoon. I guess we could always get a head start on the special orders for this weekend. Get the cakes all baked and crumb coated tonight..." Mae suddenly jumps, dropping the pan she was washing.

Before Lilly can even ask "WTF?", Mae pulls her phone from her pocket.

"Still on edge huh?" Lilly teases as Mae looks at the unknown number on the ID.

"Hello?" Mae says into the phone, rolling her eyes at Lilly. Her eyes widen momentarily before she breaks out in a big smile.

Oh great. I bet that's one of them calling her already... Lilly scrubs the pan a little harder.

"Hey John, it's just me and Lilly in the shop, mind if I put you on speaker?"

Uh, great, I was hoping for more time before I had to explain this to him. Mae pulls the phone away and presses a button. "Ok, we're both listening."

"Look girls, I'm sorry that you met my boys the way you did. Bobby told me they got rough with you. I wish I had talked to them, or something. I never would have wanted you two hurt or told about this life." John says, genuine regret evident in his voice.

"No, No. John, don't be like that. It's not all bad." Mae tries to comfort John.

Lilly rolls her eyes at her friend, moving closer to the phone. "Don't worry about it, John. You know things like this've happened before. Your boys aren't that special, can't be in a room alone with me anymore than anyone else. We handled it. So don't go kicking their asses or anything."

John's laughter can be heard over the phone, though it sounds like he is trying to cover it up. "I'll let them know you saved them from an ass-whooping Lilly. Bet that'll make'em steam. Especially Dean."

The line goes quiet for a moment.

"Hey John," Mae starts, timidly, "you know they are looking for you right? They seem really worried, even scared."

"Yeah, you should have heard them freaking out over pictures and your phone... Oh yeah, by the way, you left your phone. Thanks for that." Lilly says, brooding.

"Yeah, I should've told you I was leaving it with you. I had to get out of there fast after what happened, and I had a lot on my mind. It's got Dean's and Sam's numbers in it. And a few of mine, if you need to get me a message." He pauses for a moment, "I got worried about you both. What happened to Ethan was part of something bigger, and I had to go and follow that lead. But I really can't talk anymore."

"Wait, why? What's going on? Why aren't you letting Sam and Dean know where you are?" Lilly asks in one breath, confusion eating into her tone.

"Are you alright?" Mae asks concerned.

"I'm fine, just found out some information. Sorry again for my boys, girls, but I have to go." Johns says and the girls hear a click.

"Well that's John for you." Lilly says rolling her eyes in frustration as she begins scrubbing again.

"That's not fair Lilly, especially now that we know what he's actually doing." Mae reprimands.

"Well, maybe if he communicated with his kids at all, that whole first meeting wouldn't have occurred that way... Maybe. I mean, I doubt it, but some warning probably, maybe, could have, prevented it. That's all I'm saying. So, fuck that. Lame. His secrecy is so... Gah! I mean, fine. I get it with us. I mean, we are... us. But his fucking offspring are freaking out, flipping their shit, you know? And he should care more. S'all I'm saying." Lilly vents as she rinses off the pan she had been going at and starts on the next one.

"Lilly, I just don't think we know their world well enough to be making those calls. Also, your hands are going to end up bleeding if you keep scrubbing like that, that pan has done nothing to you. At least she's productive when angry, I guess.

The girls finish up the dishes and begin working on their special orders, heading to the front once they get them in the ovens.

Lilly sees the books on their table and happily swings into her chair while Mae makes the tea. Excited to finally pick up where she had left off, she wastes no time opening up to her book mark.

A few minutes later, Mae brings a tray with their teapot and mugs to the table. She smiles when Lilly doesn't even seem to notice. She makes Lilly's tea the way she likes it, and pushes the steaming mug towards her friend. She makes her own mug and takes a seat across from Lilly, picking up her book to enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet.

The mugs are no longer steaming when Lilly suddenly begins laughing. She rests the hand holding the book on the table and begins tapping her book with her free hand.

Mae looks up from her book, brow raised in a clear 'this-had-better-be-worth-interrupting-my-reading' warning. "What's so funny?"

"This book; I wonder if the writer met Dean and Sam and was inspired to write this." Lilly says, flipping through the pages.

"Oh... yeah, I can see that. Sam said that they do their job to help people." Mae replies thoughtfully. "However, if that's the case this Carver Edlund takes a lot of liberty with stuff, if it is based on them." Mae says thoughtfully.

"Fuck yeah, he does. It could just be a huge coincidence... But, super cool if it isn't." Lilly goes back to reading the interesting book. She had just gotten to the part where Sam was trapped in the Impala with a ghost.

"Maybe we should ask them, if we ever see them again." Mae also goes back to her book, making a mental note to ask Andy if the book was part of a series or a stand-alone novel.

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