Chapter 10 - Guild Challenge!

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Kate did exactly what she wasn't supposed to do. She stood in between him and the Gargoyle. The move kind of made everything in her scream 'STUPID' but...

The door crashed open, sort of, and she found herself joined by others. Tanks, Elf, Goldie kind of going 'eek' beside Kate as she stared at the half naked man again, Turin, the four of them more or less ignoring the unicorn for now.

“How the hell did you guys-” Damien hissed.

“You missed your two pm raid.” Turin said lightly.

Kate wondered what would have happened if they'd have been doing something else. Clearly Damien was thinking the same thing, as he met her eyes, an unspoken apology for his Guild back on his face. At least they hadn't bugg...

“So we hacked your laptop's speakers and heard a loud crash of glass.” Tanks continued.

Damien groaned and Kate tried to focus. Focus on the Gargoyle. Not the weird 'no sense of privacy' Guild.

“Why's there a horse in your room?”

“I think it's a unicorn.” Goldie said softly. The Unicorn and her met eyes and Kate swore there was a flash of love, or something, because suddenly the Unicorn went for the little mousy girl who gazed up at him with open adoration. “He likes me.”

“You can't have them.” Tanks was holding out something. For a big guy, he was surprisingly strong, holding one bigass sword. A real one.  

The Gargoyle, she wasn't even sure what his real name was, stared at this bunch of nerds like he wasn't quite sure how to take this. He probably was used to beautiful people, beautiful bodies, and while Kate saw nothing wrong with any of them...

She saw it from his eyes suddenly. Coming from a beautiful place, full of beautiful people, and being confronted by a tall skinny blonde guy that called himself Elf, a short mousy haired girl who was obsessed with the Unicorn right now, a confidant hispanic woman who stared at his body and not his face, and then a big overweight guy with a sword jabbing at his throat. 

The room shifted, slowly, and then they were in the tower. All of them.

The Gargoyle stared at Kate. "These are your servants?"

"No. These are my friends." She muttered, shifting closer to Damien, his arm wrapping around her protectively. "And my fiance."

"I'll duel for her." Damien spoke up, glaring at the big guy, but she saw his eyes go down the supernatural's abs. 

"Will you? Fine."

"And me!" Tanks added, jabbing the sword at the Gargoyle again. 

"And me." Turin added. 

Elf and Goldie kind of shared glances, like neither of them were really sure about this, but both chimed in with agreements. Kate didn't get a chance to tell any of them to shut the hell up. The Gargoyle turned, grey wings exploding from his back, and vanished out of the tower.

Dread filled her. Kate had a really bad feeling about this. 

"Hey, Kate. You okay?" Damien said softly.

"You mean, besides the fact that your entire Guild just offered to fight a creature made of stone and a werewolf who can smash walls apart with his fist?" She shut her eyes.  Breathe. Breathe.

"Yeah, you're right." Tanks groaned. She opened one eye to see him striding around the room, touching things, staring at them. "There's no computer here. Hey, is this gold?" He snapped off a candle holder. "I think it is!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2012 ⏰

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