Chapter 3 - The perfect nose of the perfect man.

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Kate loved his nose.

She really did.

Damien's nose wasn't perfect. It wasn't straight. One nostril was slightly wider than the other. It rose gently in the middle and then went back in. She loved it. She loved how he was tall, awkward almost, a little too thin, lacking any sort of muscle. At least it looked that way. She'd seen him in his boxers enough times to know his rapier fighting had given him those lean long muscles instead. 

"No, don't... the other way! Other way! Turin, get- , no, Gold Diggah, heal!" He swore, slamming his mouse down, and she tried to not laugh. Tried to not stare at him and distract him.

She focused on trying to research instead. She wasn't sure why she was researching. Anything, Kate hoped, that might repell those assholes. Damien had carefully stored the dress away, maybe he was afraid she'd destroy it, but she could at least look up 'werewolf' legends.

It was three in the morning and they weren't doing anything coupleish. She tried to ignore this. Kate sat at her laptop, cross legged, while she glanced back up to Damien who was sipping pepsi, trying to eat, and trying to do something. Some kind of quest with his guild. 

Was it crazy to think that he was hot while he did that? Maybe.

His eyes met hers, mid-sip, and she glanced down quickly as her cheeks heated up. Kate didn't need to look at him to know he'd gone red too. Catching her perving. They'd been dating for six months, six long months, constantly staring at each other like this. Waiting for the other one to make the first move.  He'd barely gotten past second base. She knew he wanted to.  Kate wanted to as well. When she'd tried to touch it, she'd gone bright red and he'd squirmed, giggling, which hadn't helped the giggles she was trying to hold in. 

"Shit." Damien swore, head swinging back to the screen. "Sorry, Sirtanksalot, was distracted. By what, you ask? By thy hot girlfriend. No. I'm serious. My girlfriend's here. Yes, she's real, how many times - of course she's real. Kate, come and say hi."

Kate's face really burnt then. Say hi to a bunch of strangers. He held out the headpiece, desperate, and she sighed and got up for him. When she flopped in his lap he slid it on her head. 

"Um. Hi."

"O...m...g... he's learnt how to impersonate a chick."

"Maybe he had the special snip."

The strange voices made her flush and Damien leaned against her head, ear against the earpiece, grinning. He tugged the mic in his direction. "Na, she's real, and she's in my lap."

"That's a blowup doll, douche. And I'm dying. Get back into it." 

He shifted closer, Kate moving to get up, but to her surprise Damien held her there as he resumed his game. She tugged the headpiece off and gently pushed it back down on his head, kissing him, which just made him even more distracted.

He turned his head to kiss her, a long gentle kiss, hand on her thihg as they sat there a long time. Ignored the 'Come on, Dragon, get your ass into gear' and the 'I'M FUCKING DYING, DO SOMETHING' and the 'Well, FUCK YOU DRAGON, I'M DEAD.'

"Shut up, Sirtanksalot. I'm fucking making out with my girlfriend." He kind of squeaked on the swear word, like he didn't like it, and it didn't really suit him. Damien grinned at her, tugging at her brown curls, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "I love you."

Kate sighed softly, leaning against him, her forehead against his. "I love you too, Damien."

It wasn't the first time they'd said it. But it never lost the magic. Her stomach twisted happily, her heart fluttered, not caring if they'd gotten lucky yet or not. Not caring if his guild was screaming at him to do something or taunting him for pretending to be with a girlfriend.

A crash made them nearly fall off his chair, as teh door flew open, and the smell of wet dog filled the study.

Oh fuck. It was the werewolf. He was soaking wet- it was raining outside- and half naked. What the hell was with the half naked thing all the time! 

"Who's this near my mate?" He roared. He roared so loud that everyone on the MMO heard it. Kate stood up, Damien shoving her behind him, and she saw him draw out an actual rapier and hold it out. His hand steady, pushing her behind him, and she was sure his posture was perfect.

"Who's calling my girlfriend their bitch?" He did some fancy thing with it as the Werewolf King approached. "You better stay back, buddy, because this is my chick."

"Your chick?"


The werewolf lunged at him, Kate screamed, and the rapier snapped. On Mr. Werewolf King's abs. The metal actually snapped. She pushed Damien behind her, afraid that the Werewolf would snap him too, and he grabbed her. To her horror, he slammed a fist into Damien's face anyway and threw Kate over a shoulder.

"Come on, Constance." He growled. "Leave the weakling."

And like that... she was kidnapped. Again. This time to the Land of Wolves.

It wasn't going to be a good week.


A/N This one will have shorter chapters it seems. :) Please remember to vote and comment!

Youtube link reminded me of Damien and Kate. lmao... seriously, her with her brown curls, and him with his hot geekiness. 

I'd love a DRAMATIC name for this werewolf King. XD He needs drama. 

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