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Jack's outro song began to play in your back pocket as Keely looked at you.

"I know don't judge me okay!" You laugh and grab your phone out of you back pocket to find that it was your mum calling. 'Shit I forgot to text her today!' you thought to yourself.


"Hey (y/n), how was your day, see you didn't die yet haha."

"Not yet but we almost did!" Keely screams behind your shoulder.

You tell your mum about how your day went, how you made a friend yesterday, about how she saw Dan and Phil in her lobby, about how you met your idol and gave him the artwork she'd seen before and that he loved it and that when you guys did some dabbing around Dan and Phil they dabbed back and smiled! you said you'd show her the footage when you got back.. but before you could end the call Keely asked to talk to your mum. It seemed a bit sus but you agreed to it.

"Hello (y/m/n)! Before you go I'd just like to tell you something else that happened today that (y/n) forgot to tell you!"

"Oh no..." You whispered as Keely gave you the biggest grin on her face. Before you knew it you were chasing her around the room trying to get your phone back as she explained what happened with Sean.

"...Yeah, he laughed at her but in a good way... Then he..... While she..." 

You gave up trying to catch your breath back. Keely continued telling your mum the story and you couldn't tell how she was reacting to it. You thought to yourself why do you want to hide it so bad? It's not like you did anything wrong, right? If your favourite person in the world noticed you, you'd go on about it forever so why do you feel like you have to hide it.

Keely gave you back your phone while your mum was still on call. You said your goodbyes and said you'd text her after dinner. 

// time skip //

As you three were all walking out of the lobby to go to dinner at a restaurant called ' Vue de Monde ' Keely poked your side and whispered;

"Over there." as she pointed at a group of around five people.

"No... Fucking.. Way.. In.. Hell..." It was Sean and Mark surrounded by a couple of fans, you walked past them and noticed they were signing things and getting autographs. You ask Keely whether it would be worth going over there and getting stuff signed etc.

"Nah, we have Steph to get our stuff from right? And plus they look like they're trying to get out to dinner we should let them be."

"True, and yeah she sent me a photo of my flag signed and your shirt." You pulled out your phone and showed Keely the photo as you screen shotted it. Just as you pulled your phone out to show Keely you were at the car and ready to go to '  Vue de Monde. '

// short time skip //

The waitress at the restaurant asked where you would like to sit.

"There are three tables available, one right next to the bar, one in the corner near the exit, or one near the back over there?"

You and Keely look at her mum and she nods.

"Where ever you lovely ladies would like to sit it's your weekend!"

"Hmm, im liking the one near the back. Fewer people!" You joke and suggest to Keely.

"Yeah me too actually."

"Well, that settles it! the one near the back please." Jess says politely to the waitress.

"Sure right this way."

The waitress led all of you to your table and you sat down. You had the seat facing the entrance, Keely had the one opposite you, and her mum Jess had the one to your right. After the waitress had taken your order she headed back towards the kitchen to give the chef the order but stopped on the way there to talk to about 4 people crowding a table.

"Hmm." You wondered, not realising you spoke aloud. 

"What?" Keely asked confused.

"Oh, nothing." You assured her but kept watching the table the waitress was still at.

The waitress left the table and so did the other four people and your mouth dropped.

"OH GET FUCKED!" You violently whisper.

"OK, now you have to tell me!" Keely looked at you a bit nervously.

"I will if you promise me one thing..."

"Fine! but you HAVE to tell me! what do I have to promise?" Kelly was practically begging for you to tell her.

"You have to promise me you'll keep your cool and not cry, or over react okay?"

"I'll try but it depends..." Keely's eyes narrow wondering what the hell you were going on about.

"Well behind you like three tables back are Jack and Mark.."

Keely's eyes widen as she tries not to cry. she twists basically all the way around to see it for herself, and sure enough just like you said they were sitting there waiting to order.

"The waitress stopped on her way to the kitchen probably to ask if they were ready to order or to tell the fans to leave them be maybe." You try to explain.

"Yeah, maybe she.." Before Keely could finish her mum asked if you two girls could walk up to the bar and get you guys some drinks.

"Okay sure, what would you like Jess?" You ask getting up and pushing your chair in, same with Keely. 

"Uh, just a coke will do thanks."

"Sure thing be back soon." Keely gets handed the money for the drinks and you guys make your way up to the bar. You stand with you back towards Jacks table but facing Keely. You both talk for a bit while your drinks are being ordered.

"Um, (y/n)." Keely is looking behind you and before you had time to think your body had turned around to see Jack and Mark getting up from their table.

"What Keely? they're just getting up?" You seem really confused at this point.

"Just wait.."

For some silly reason, you keep your eyes stuck on them as you watch Jack come towards the bar and Mark head towards the bathroom. Keely grabs you and turns you back to face her and before you knew it someone had tapped you on the shoulder.


Hopefully starting to get a bit more interesting now? I hope so! Also, let me know if the chapters are too long? I'm kinda just sticking towards 1000 words per chapter atm.


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