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After spending more time with Jack you ended up bumping into Mark and Keely. You look at her and she blushes redder than Marks hair. You give Mark a wink which confused the shit out of him.
"Keely can I talk to you for a minute?' You give her a smirk as you grab her wrist and pull her away from Mark and Jack. You hoped that was enough to not give away that you weren't okay.
"You alright?" You ask Keely seriously.
"Yes.. why?" Keely seemed confused.
"Just making sure... also I needed an excuse to get away from Jack for a bit.." you give the biggest sigh and tears swell in your eyes.
"Omg (y/n) are you alright! What's wrong?" Keely stepped closer and whispered, "I swear to god if he fucking touched you or hurt you that boy has another thing coming." Keely's red blush quickly turned to anger.
"No, no nothing like that, Jack did nothing wrong." You start as the tears are now dripping one by one down your cheek.
"Okay good otherwise he would have a new behind." She laughs to lighten the mood. You laugh back wiping the tears away with the sleeve of your shirt.
"I'm crying because I'm scared... and don't know what to do... also I think everything's starting to kick in, it's a bit overwhelming." As Keely hugs you and wipes more tears away you both see Jack walking over with worry in his eyes.
"We will finish this conversation later, I promise." Keely whispers just before jack gets there.
"(Y/n) are you okay?" Jack hugs you, you could hear the distress in his voice and the rest of your emotions flowed out like a waterfall.
As jack hugged you tighter you felt safe, and like nothing wrong was going to happen. You didn't want the hug to end but people were starting to look at you all by this point.
Jack unhooked his arms from around you and puts his left arm behind your back as you all leave the carnival.
"Everything's okay, trust me." Jack whispers.

// time skip //

"I feel so fucking stupid." You say rubbing even more tears away from your face. Jack sits next to you and Mark takes Keely to the bathroom.
"Why?" Jack scotches in closer to you.
"Because I cried for no fucking reason." You knew you were crying for a reason, but he didn't need to know that.
"I embarrassed myself in public and cried in front of you, Keely and Mark."
"It's fine really (y/n)." Jack tried to reassure you with his smile, you could see it was fake but at least he was trying.
"NO IT FUCKING ISN'T SEAN!" You see his face go from a smile to ghost white as you scream at him. More tears fall from your face and you burry your head in your hands. You didn't care if he left, you didn't care about anything in this moment, it felt like the world was crushing in.
As you say there and cried you felt the coldness creep in on your thigh from where Jack was sitting, he got up. The next hing you know someone's grabbed you by the wrists and jerked you up. It was Mark.
"Oh fuck off." You turn your head and try to escape his grip but he wouldn't budge.
"(Y/n) you need to calm the fuck down right now, Jacks in tears and you aren't in a good state right now just try calming down." Mark said with a stern voice.
Your face went as white as a ghost when you realised what you had just said to Jack and Mark. You start hyperventilating and Mark shakes you.
Mark loosens his grip as you start shaking but still tight enough that he had enough control over you to make sure you were safe.
"Fuck I think she's having a panic attack!" You barely here Mark say as he turns his head to tell someone. As your breath got shorter and harder to control you felt the world start to fade away, you see green hair come towards you, just before you fade out...

So so so sorry this has taken forever I've just been busy and writers block is strong with this one. I've also discovered kpop FUCKING help me rip. Also this is a bit short and idk if I like where it's going but I hope you enjoyed!

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