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Your heart stopped knowing who was behind you but you just couldn't get yourself to turn around. After Sean taps you on the shoulder again you make yourself turn around to see his bright blue eyes and infectious smile.

"Hey!" He says like he's happy to see you.
You can barely bring yourself to turn around to face him, how could you possibly talk to him and the anxiety was at an all-time high. This has to be a dream, doesn't it?
"Uh, hey.." you reply very hesitantly.
"Hey," Keely replies trying to keep her cool.
"This is gonna sound weird.." Jack is scratching the back of his head in the cutest way in the world, so cute in fact you zone out for a minute and he catches you staring at him.
"Um, hello?" He laughs and waves his hand in front of your face.
"I'm so sorry! Continue." You extremely awkwardly laugh.
"As I was saying.. correct me if I'm wrong but you're the two girls from earlier today right?"
Being your sarcastic self you replied with,
"Could possibly be, you saw like a million girls though right?" Without realising you had a smirk on your face, you wiped it off realising who you were talking too.
"Well yes haha, to be more specific the ones dabbing around me while I was doing my meet and greet?"
"See told you!" Keely nudges you and whispers in your ear. While you think to yourself 'no fucking way'. You nudge Keely back and reply to Jack.
"Yeah, I'd say so... sorry about that."
"Sorry for what? I actually found it quite amusing, haha, and your moves weren't that bad either." Jack laughs and smiles. 
'Holy shit did he just flirt with me?' You thought to yourself. 'Nah he wouldn't, he has a girlfriend.' 

"Sorry for being really cringy I guess."

"Honestly it's fine, I just don't see why, well without sounding like a douche..."

How the hell could he sound like a douche? Everything he says is perfect especially with that Irish accent of his.

"... why didn't you just line up for the meet and greet?" he finished.

"Well because we didn't get any meet and greet tickets." Keely responded.

"For anyone, or just me?"

"Anyone." You replied with a bit of sadness in your voice.

"Oh, well here you go." Jack laughs opening his arms like he was revealing himself.

"Yeah, we didn't plan on this." You said followed with an awkward chuckle.

"well, hold on a second." Jack runs back to his table.

"What the hell?" Keely says confused. Before I could reply Jack comes back with Mark.

"Mark this is, well I actually don't know their names..."

"I'm (y/n), and." 

"I'm Keely." She cuts you off before you could say her name, but you didn't mind. You felt like you could be sick any moment.

"There you go (y/n) and Keely, they're the ones I told you about."

"huh?" Mark seemed extremely confused.

"The ones dabbing around my meet and greet." Sean rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Oooh, the one and only legends." Mark says sarcastically.

"Damn didn't realise you were this nice in real life." Again your sarcasm spilt out and you had to stop yourself from saying more. Jack laughed and Mark looked at him.

"Sorry but that was good come on, you didn't have to be sarcastic in the first place Mark."

"I suppose so, plus I like people who can dish it as good as they can take it." He smiles and gives you a nod.

"Okay, but have you met Keely? She can be just as sarcastic." You point to Keely and give a hand motion for him to go over and talk to her. 

"Ah, well I must test this theory!" Mark says walking just past you to talk to Keely. She looks at you in horror but mouths 'Thank you'. 

"That was amazing."

"What was?" You said to Sean wondering what you did.

"The sarcasm back at Mark. No ones ever really gave sarcasm back to him unless they know him well, you must really have some guts." He says smiling.

"Yes let's go with that and ignore the fact that I totally forgot who I was talking to and that the inner me kinda came out."

"Well if that makes you feel better we can go with that." He laughs. "But I like inner you too, she seems cool."

You had to stop yourself from letting your jaw hit the ground. You talked to Sean for about another three minutes and Keely to Mark. You then saw the waitress come over to you and Sean.

"Excuse me, girls," she started. "Could you please leave these gentlemen alone they're just trying to have dinner, you can see them tomorrow as I'm gathering you're here for the vidcon."

"It's okay their fine but thanks." Sean Says to her and smiles.

"Okay then sir, but if you have any problems just let us know." She gives one of those fake smiles to Sean then death glares you and Keely and walks back into the kitchen. Your mind clicked,

"Oh shit." You say.

"What?" Sean asked a bit concerned.

"We were only meant to grab our drinks then go back to our table and now she's coming out with our meals! we have to go come on Keely." Keely and you start to leave, but before you could go..

"Wait!" it was Sean you turn back to see what he wants.

"Yes?" You replied somehow worried what he was going to say, was he going to tell you to leave him alone forever? tell you how annoying you were? what could it be? in the back of your mind, you really hoped it was something good.

"You're staying at the hotel With the whale out the front right?" 

"huh?" You say thinking what the hell he was on about.

"Yes, we are." Keely replies trying to pull you away.

"Meet us there after dinner, since we are at the same hotel?" 

"Sure!" before you could even think Keely had replied and you went back to your table. 

"what took you girls so long?" Keely's mum asked you both. 

As dinner came to your table the waitress glared at you and Keely again, whats her problem? You and Keely tell her mum what's happened and why you took so long, at first she looked a bit worried that you were talking to complete strangers, But as time went on and you explained what happened more and she saw how you and Keely's face lit up. Keely asked her mum about after dinner, it didn't look good.

"Maybe, we'll see how dinner goes."

"Thank you." You reply, even if you didn't end up seeing them again later that night even knowing she considered it and didn't get mad was good enough for you.

You look over to Sean and Marks table to see him looking at you. He smiles and you smile back, and your heart skips a beat, again.


Sorry if this chapters rubbish I just cant seem to write these couple of days, but enjoy!


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