Chapter 2

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It was a sunny day like any other at the Nutcombe household and as always a light breeze was blowing from the woods near by. Even then it was obvious it was going to be a warm September day, which definitely agreed with the mood of many eleven-year-olds that day. As it was their first year at the famouse school of witchcraft and wizardry, Hogwarts.

One of those kids was Constance herself as she woke up that morning particulay early being to excited to sleep.

She glanced at her calender to make sure she wasn't wrong. "Yes," she exclaimed and quickly dressed herself. Too excited to sit still she ran down the stairs into the kitchen where she knew Mrs. Remy was probably cooking.

As she entered she smiled atthe smell of the plump woman cooking pancakes for her and toast for Miss Nutcombe. Most wizarding housholds as Constance had read had house-elves to help around the house, but apparently Miss Nutcombe didn't agree with the belief and rather had other wizards that needed work help her.

"Goodmorning Mrs. Remy," Constance greated the cook as she hopped into the kitchen and took a sit at the kitchen table.

The woman laughed in surprise as she hadn't noticed the girl standing there."Well, good morning to you too," she said glancing at her before she continued to focuse on cooking.
"I see you're up early."

"Who can sleep on their first day of school anyway?" Constance said as she looked around the kitchen. "Where is Ray?" she asked refering to Mrs. Remy's husband Raymond that helped around the garden.

"He's out in the back," Mrs. Remy told her flipping over one of the pancakes while Constance stood up and headed to find Raymond or Ray as she called him.

"I'll be right back," she told the woman before walking out into the garden, which was one of the most beautiful places the girl had ever seen.

The garden had a small stone one sorrounding it and some roses growing on it. There were even some trees in the garden that grew fruit.

It didn't take long for Constance to find Ray for he always liked to whistle or sing while working. When the girl had asked him about it he simply said it made the flowers happy, which in the girls opinion was silly.

She found the man tending to some flowers called Gerbera's with his back turned to her still humming a melody.
She got the idea to snick up on him and startle him, but the last time she had done that he didn't react well as he said he almost got a heart attack. After some time they laughed about it.

"Hey, Ray," she said deciding best not to give him a heart attack for real.

He still jumped a bit as he didn't hear her coming but smiled down at her happily," You're up early aren't you."

"Can I see what your doing?" the eleven-year-old asked and saw the man holding his wand.

"Of course." He moved to the side so she could see his work as he told her about it.

Ray was the total opposite of his wife. Well at least by appearance. He was extremly tall and thin so he gave the appearance of a stick walking on two legs. His eyes were a deep green colour and his hair white. It was obviouse he worked outside just by looking at him for his skin was tanner from the sun.

"So tell me little bumblebee," Ray said using his nickname for the girl. He apparently gave her that nickname because she reminded him of a bumblebee. Always buzzing. "Are you nervouse?"

Ray continued his work as he waited for the girl answer. "Hold this," he said giving the girl some strings.

"A bit,"Constance admited and felt a bit nauseous. "How did you feel on your first day at Hogwart?" she asked holding her stomach.

Ray stopped working for a moment smiling to himself as he looked at her. "I was a nervouse wreck. You know I accidently ran into a wall that day? Then I almost missed the train because I got last at the train station."
Constance giggled. "But don't worry it's going to turn out great. "

"Breakfast!"Mrs. Remy yelled from the kitchen.

Flash forward...

Constance was already sitting in the cabin when a blonde girl came by.

"Hello, can I sit with you?" she said," All the other cabbins are already full."

"Sure. No problem," Constance said with a small smile.

"I'm Pandora Jenkins," the curly blonde said as she sat down opposite Constance.

"I'm Constance Foster," she introduced herself.

"Are you a 1st year too?"

She nodded.

Flash forward...

Constance was standing in line behind a few other students, but still close to the begining. Not far away the curly blonde she had met at the train stood. Unlike Constance the girl didn't seem worried at all as she was busy studying every corner of the Great Hall. Not far away was the boy she had seen walking with the elequant woman.

Like his mother he had kept his head held high that was until they came into the crowded hall as his posture became quite tense.

After the first student was called and sorted into Gryffindor the cat like professor called out,"Regulus Black."

The boy or rather Regulus walked up to the hat wearing a small smirk to cover up his tension. The boy shook his head a few times and then the hat yelled," Slytherin!"

Apparently the the black-head was pleased with it's choice and walked to the cheering table. As the sorting went on it was soon Constance's turn.

"Constance Foster," called the professor which made the girl's heart stop for a second. Soon enough it was pounding so fast she tought it was going to burst out of her ribcage .

Okay, just calm down. It's only the Sorting and it is not the most important thing in life.

Constance tried to convince herself as she walked up and sat down in the chair. The professor placed the old brown hat on her head.

"Hello," it said, which surprised the girl. "Oh what do we have here," the Sorting hat said sounding amused, "This ought to be interesting."

"What?" Constance asked worried, but the hat ignored her as it continued talking.

"Well there is bravery and intelligence and a certain amount of curiosity. Hmmm... But I don't think that's your calling. Hmmm... Compassion, truthfullness. Yes I think it'll be...Hufflepuff!"

The girl sighted relieved as cheering erupted from the table.


Constance suddenly woke up almost falling off of the bed. She looked around and realised she was in her room.

"Oh Merlin,"the girl mumbled," why do I have to have such vivid dreams?"

She lifted herself up and went to the bathroom to get ready for her first day of her 5th year.

A/N: Tadadadum!
Hi, I hope you liked the chapter anyway the real story begins in the next chapter please tell me what you think of the flasbacks and all.
I'll update soon. Bye:)

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