Chapter 4

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When students arrived at the castle it was already evening. And somehow the dark brought even more mistery and magic to the Great Hall. At least in Constance's opinion.

The candles were flowing high above them and the ceiling looked like the night's sky. Because of the candle light the room looked warm and welcoming.

Suddenly she heard a stomach rumble announcing someone was hungry and as she looked sideways along with Pandora, who was standing next to her, they saw Vince holding his stomach.

"What?" he asked as he saw the girls staring. He quickly understood their stares and defended himself, "I haven't eaten all day. I'm allowed to be hungry!"

Pandora raised her eyebrows and put her hands on her hips, "And what about the Troley lady?"

"What about her?"

"Didn't you order almost half of her sweets?" Constance asked.

"Yeah...I did," said the boy rubbing his neck flustered at the loss of words." But...but... Oh give me a break I am a teenage boy who is growing and needs a lot of food."

Pandora glanced at the boy's stomach. "Well, when you get fat and bald don't come complaining to me. I did warn you," she told him and walked off to the Ravenclaw table.

Vince looked at Constance with wide eyes and she gave him a few taps on the shoulder, " Don't worry I'll be there for you." She then headed to the Hufflepuff table leaving Vince behind.

Soon after Constance sat down she found her friend sitting down beside her. Not a moment later the sorting took place with the hat singing a new song and the 1st years coming into the Hall. Some of them looked nervouse, others excidet, but all were amazed at the sight of their new school.

"Gregory Abbott," professor McGonagall called out.

A small drakhaired boy came up to the chair and even before the hat was properly placed on his head it yelled out," Hufflepuff!"

Constance and Vince clapped happily for the newcomer.

Next the professor called out two Carrow's who were probably twins. Both ended up in Slytherin. And so it went on. Students were placed in different houses every now and then when a new 11-year-old was placed Hufflepuff they clapped excidetly.

It all went as usual until Vince grabbed Constance's robe alarming the poor girl.

"Look there she is," he pointed to a girl now at begining of the line. She had long blonde hair that went down her back in waves. A few strands were falling into her eyes. 

"Wait, is that Jully?" Constance asked her friend. "Your Jully?"

Vince nodded confirming that was indeed his younger sister called Julianna. The boy actually had two sisters one younger and the other, Millicent, older.

"You know there's a bet going on at home," Vince told her," Dad is betting Jully will be sorted into Slytherin like him and Millicent, while mum thinks she'll be sorted into Hufflepuff like me and her."

Constance only nodded, hopping the girl doesn't feel under preassure as she would have felt with her family placing a bet and all.

"Julianna Macmillan."

The girl walked up to the stool calmly and sat down waiting for the Sorting Hat to be placed upon her head. To their surprise the Hat decided almost instantly, but it was not what anyone expected.


The House of the Brave jumped up clapping for the shocked girl, who soon smiled and joined them. But she wasn't the only one shocked as a table away her brother was gapping.

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