Chapter 6

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It was quite clear the school year had begun as the students were frequently reminded by the professors to study for exams that awaited them at the end of the year. Also known as the O.W.L.s. Apparently those decided whether or not they can contiue a certain class in a more advanced mannor.

But not all classes agreed with everyone. One of less liked classes between the Gryffindor and Slytherin students was Herbology, which the lions shared with Hufflepuff.

"Alright. Put the leafs carfully in the jar." The Herbology professor yelled out instructions to the fifth years."Also watch out for the thorns as they are a bit poisenous..."

Constance catiously followed the instructions being as precise as ever while Vincent along with some of the other boys beside him was losing his mind. The boy had never really had much patiance especially when it came to Herbology.

To tell the truth Vincent had given up a while a back and was now just leaning on his hand asleep a light snore leaving his lips.

"Excellent job Miss Foster," Professor Sprout congradulated her quietly making the Hufflepuff slightly blush. The professor knew the girl didn't like to be in the center of attention so she left the praise for later when she observed her students working. "While you're at it please help Mr. Macmillan before he drulls all over his plant."

Both the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor part of the class snickered at the comment. Vincent getting a small piece of paper from Maurice in the head making the boy jump knocking over his chair.

"What?" he asked confused glancing around at his classmates snickering.

Constance calmly patted him on the arm.

"Nice to have you back Mr. Macmillan I believe you'll be more than glad to hear that our time for today has come to an end," Miss Sprout told the class which emptied as soon as the professor's words had left her mouth.
The only students left being Vincent, Constance and Maurice.

"Professor,"the girl quietly called out.

"Yes, dear?" The professor looked up from the book on her desk.

"I was wondering when we'll work on the Fanged Geranium?"

Professor Sprout smilled at the girl," Soon."

"Thank you," she said and grabbed all her books putting them in the bag.

Constance unlike many others didn't feel the need to run out the class so she took her time. She never understood the hurry and by the time she made it to the door she was the last student there.

"Have a nice day, professor," the girl smiled before exiting.

"The same to you Miss Foster," Sprout said in reply tending to one of her many plants in the Greenhouse.

As Constance came outside she found the two boys waiting for her. Very unpatiantly I might add.

"What took you so long?" Vincent groaned," I'm hungry.

"You do know lunch isn't for another hour right?" Constance reminded him.

"Ugh, must you remind me?"the boy sighted.

"Oh, come on mate, you shouldn't look at this in such a black way," Maurice told his friend when they started walking back towards the castle.

"How should I be looking at it then?"

Maurice thought for a moment and answered,"Look at it like you're one class closer to lunch, not away from it."

"Ahhh great thinking Rice," exclaimed Vincent rufling up his friends redish hair.

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