Chapter 13

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As Regulus walked down one of the corridors in one of the early mornings he was having quite a hard time keeping the smirk to himself as he was in a happy mood. Finally, he had found a way to do it. He had figured out how to successfully finish the task given to him by the Dark Lord and nothing could ruin that.

Except maybe the bitterness and morbidity of some of the other Slytherin students that was why insted of going to the common room he headed to the one place he thought was safe enough and where he could be alone. That was if the girl won't show up again.

But in that moment nothing could make him miserable again. At least for a while.


The room of Requirement was like always in the mornings peacful. There was almost no sound of the outside world except for some distant wind blowing by the castle.

That was what the room was like a moment before Constance awoke. The girl had spent hours crying for all the bad events of her past and from that evening only to fall asleep somewhere in between. At some point even she got sick of crying as to her all her so called problems seemed meaningless and small compared to other peoples'. She felt like a 'crybaby' as some liked to call it.

Suddenly there was a small sound which startled Constance out of her dreaming state.

It took her a few seconds of glancing around to realise where she was and what had happened. The girl lightly rubbed her head as it hurt from all the crying. She stood up and payed no mind to a melody playing in the background.

Being half asleep the girl didn't mind the music coming from the radio on the desk. Insted she kept observing the outside world. The white snow covering the trees, the footprints of different animals at the edge of the forest, the little sunshine lighting up the land just slightly. It all looked beautiful and amazing to the girl. She even felt the need to hum along the unfamiliar song. That was before all the joy ended with a bang. Literally.

The radio had been working just fine thanks to Raymond who had helped her fix it a few years ago, when she had found it. But there was still an occasional static problem and now it sounded someone wanted to fix it by force.

A bit startled Constance neared the edge of the pile, she fell asleep behind, only to have quick glance at a dark- haired boy standing slightly above the chair at the desk hitting the radio against the table as if expecting it to work if he just hit it hard enough.

"Are you trying to destroy my radio?" the words just slipped out for she couldn't take anymore of the noise. But as quickly as the words left her mouth she hid behind the pile again realising what she had done.

For if the boy hadn't known she was there before he definately knew now. But insted of the snobbish boy, like last time, the girl was met by a simple answer not sounding snobbish at all. Maybe a bit annoyed with the radio.

"You again?"

Constance rolled her eyes for she hated when people asked stupid questions. "Yes, me. Now what are you doing to the radio?"

"Is that what this thing is?" the boy asked quietly so that it sounded more like he was talking to himself.

"You haven't heard of a radio before?" Constance asked incredulously.

"No, I haven't." Regulus answered simply feeling like he was stupid for not knowing of the object that was so fomiliar to the girl. And that was not a feeling he was used to for all his friends were careful what they said around him. They all knew how Regulus could get when irritated or angry.

Suddenly the Hufflepuff felt the need to explain herself."That's odd. I mean it's been in the wizarding world a long time. Eversince the muggles invented it-"

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