Chapter 26

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It was an early Saturday morning when the Hogwarts students were at breakfast. And while most were still a bit sleepy there was a group most of them sitting at the Hufflepuff table who were anxious as they awaited their captain to arrive.

It was the day of the quidditch match Hufflepuff against Slytherin and while the green team had already gathered up and left, the Huffleluffs were freaking out a bit as they awaited for Maurice who was the captain.

"Where in Merlin's sake is he?" Pandora asked quietly after reasuring Rhiannon their friend was on the way.

"Pancake trust me. If I knew I would have dragged him here long ago," Vincent replied looking as calm as ever although Constance noticed his leg jumping up and down under the table.

"Aren't you roommates?" Pandora asked again ignoring the nickname for she deemed it unimportant at the time.

"Sure, but that doesn't mean I have to know where Rice is every moment in the day. I am not his babysitter. For Merlin's sake just wait a bit longer he'll come. He never misses Quidditch."

He continued to eat and look around only to catch sight of Elizabeth waving at him making him almost choke. Nontheless he waved before turning around a bit red in the cheeks.

Elizabeth onthe other hand seemed a bit disappointed at the boy not paying any mind to her and decided to join some Ravenclaws.

Pandora only gave Vince an angry look," What the hell are you doing?Are you that stupid?"

Vincent looked up at his friend surprised at the comment. He cleared his throat and replied,"What did I do wrong this time?"

Pandora could only stare in disbelief at the boys stupidity. "Elizabeth. Why did you ignore her like that?"

Vince only shrugged," I didn't ignore her. I was only trying to oblige to her wishes."

"I doubt her wishes include you spitting out your breakfast after almost ignoring her." Pandora said schrunching up her nose at the sight of Vince spitting out his food for he couldn't stop choking.

The boy only rolled his eyes,"No, she told me that she wouldn't like to rush our relationship and I am doing just that. As for the food I blame the new flavour the house-elves added. I hate cinnamon." Vincent shook his head at the thought of the spiece.

"You seriously need help," Pandora stated. "How can you not realise what you did? Ugh Con please help me."

The two looked to Vince's side only to see the girl with her book open on the table only to see her staring into the wall on the other side of the Great Hall. For a second Pandora could almost swear she saw a smile playing on the girl's lips.

"Con? Hey," Pandora waved infront of the girl finally getting her attention.

"Oh sorry," Constance apologised turning a bit red form embarrassment.

"Where did you drift off?" Vince asked her curiously. "Were you dreaming about Dirk Cresswell?" he smirked.

Only to have Constance shake her head in confusion. "Who?"

"Dirk ... he's a Ravenclaw," Pandora explained.

"Oh," Constance could only reply a bit confused at the whole situation.

"Did you even hear what we were saying?" Pandora asked looking at the girl before quickly reading the responce from her face. "Of course not. What is up with you lately?"

Constance glanced at Pandora before slowly closing the book she had been reading she shamefully looked the ground. The girl really did feel bad for not listening it was just her head was so full of thoughts. From Deidra to the room of Requirement to the O.W.L.s.
Pluse she simply couldn't help herself when her imagination got the best of her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to overhear the conversation. I was just thinking about the book I was reading."

Technically Constance hadn't lied. The book really did occupy her mind quite a bit in these days for it was rather fun to read. To her surprise Deidra was right. She did like it. Especially the thought that it had been a gift to someone. The inscription at the begining was just heartwarming as a father wrote to his daughter by the name of Jane.

Constance could only wonder who the people were inventing various stories and possibilities of them.

"Don't worry Bon-bon, it wasn't all that interesting of a conversation anyway," Vince gave the fair-haired girl a warm smile earning one in return.

"Oh shut up Winnie," Rhiannon suddenly yelled surprising the group.
"That's right I know that nickname and I am not afraid to use it. And how can someone be so idiotic and believe a girl when they say they want to take it slow but clearly want something more. Take a sign Winnie, take a sign."

The girl's dramatics could almost match Vicent's at the moment, which as Constance noticed only came out when the girl was getting ready for Quidditch or was simply nervous. However they were enough to leave Vincent gapping Pandora congratulating the girl making Constance laugh.

"Hey, team I am sorry for being late. I was a bit preoccupied..." Maurice explained running into the Great Hall with full gear on and a bit out of breath.

"What are we waiting for let's go!" another player yelled from the table as they all left the hall hurrying to the arena.

The trio staying behind meanwhile only wished them luck slowly finishing their own breakfast ready to leave themselves.


"Hufflepuff! Hufflepuff! Hufflepuff! Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin!"

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"Hufflepuff! Hufflepuff! Hufflepuff! Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin!"

The students cheered their peers on the match beginning. Vincent seemed to have finally realised what the girls had ment earlier and went to Elizabeth to talk. Unfortunately the girl was in no mood to make conversation with the boy claiming she had some things to do.

"Why do girls have to be so complicated? Why can't you just say what in Merlin's name you mean?" Vincent exasperatedly said when all the balls were finally realeased and the start of the match was announced.

"Oh please like boys never do that. Now be quiet I am trying to watch the game here!" Jules yelled out from the other side of the group after she had decided to join them.

Vince gave her a glare only to earn Julie sticking her tounge out.
"I'm telling mum," the boy said making Constance and Pandora share a glance. Being in the middle was a bit awkward for the two yet they couldn't help but snicker.

"Huh as soon as she hears my part of the story the only thing you'll be hearing is laughter," Jules announced.

"We shall see about that, little sis," the boy hissed and turned his back to the girl crossing his arms.

"We shall," Jules threw back before repeating her brother's actions herself.

"So this is sibling rivary," Pandora whispered to Constance carefully glancing from one side to the other.

"Yup," the other girl whispered." I'm glad I don't have to deal with this."

Pan nodded," Me too."

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