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Normani Kordei
California, 2015
A nurse ran in, her mouth formed an O shape as she saw what was in front of her. My mother, laying on the floor. A pool of dark red blood formed around her.

"Oh my god" she said, bewildered by the scene in front of her "What happened here?" she questioned, her eyes met mine but there was no way she could think I did it. I couldn't move.

She quickly ran off, probably calling for help. I realized that Lauren had left before she could inject me. This meant that if she didn't come back soon to inject me again, The effects would wear off and I would be free. If she didn't come back of course.

Lauren Jauregui

California, 2015


I had ran off after hitting Normani's mother in the head. I had to back as soon as possible to inject her again, if not the plan would not work. I saw a feminine figure walking towards me, it was Camila. 

"Did you do it?" she asked, staring into my eyes.

I mumbled a quiet "no" before diverting my eyes somewhere else.

"What the fuck Lauren!" she said angrily, Camila being mad wasn't a pretty sight "You are not about to ruin the fucking plan, we need to get rid of her"

My eyes widened, I didn't want to kill another person but I knew that if I refused they would get me too. The only thing I could do was nod. 


I finally updated for once even though this was crappy smh. Anywho I plan on making this story pretty short maybe like 20 chapters?? 

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