The Road Taken (Chapter 2)

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Chapter 2 - The Road Taken

Wow! With Barbie fuming next to me, and Mr Reynolds boiling in the front it got hot in English all of a sudden. I took my jacket off and draped it over my arm.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of English, I quickly gathered my things and headed for the exit when someone placed their hand on my bare shoulder stopping me from escaping.

The touch was like an electric shock that jolted me and left me unnerved.

I flinch away from the unwanted physical contact and spin around only to come face to face with striking green eyes attempting to peer into my soul. It felt like an intrusion and I narrowed my eyes at Mr Reynolds as I hiss "What!?!"

Mr Reynolds pulls his hand back and wipes it on his shirt while saying "I want to talk to you Jade" Seriously? Did he just wipe his hand on his shirt. Yeh, well Im sterilising my shoulder later on pal!

I step back a bit and then cross my arms over my chest waiting for him to speak again. After a long silence, I break the silence saying "Im waiting" as I tap my foot impatiently.

"I just...I know..." Mr Reynolds stutters. Some English teacher you're turning out to be, buddy. Clearly he doesn't know anything, let alone how to form a sentence.

I wait there expectantly still waiting for something that resembles a sentence, but nothing comes. I tap my foot louder as Mr Reynolds clears his throat and says "Off to class"

Seriously? Thats where I was heading before you stopped me, idiot!

I pull the door open to get away from my weird English teacher when I nearly run into someone.

"Im so sorry" a girl sheepishly mutters as she bends to pick up my books. I crouch down next to her and help saying "No, Im sorry. I should have been watching where I was going"

I stand with my books in my hand and notice how much taller I am than this girl. She is at least a head shorter than I am. She has delicate features, hidden behind glasses that cover gorgeous blue eyes. She has a fair complexion and blonde hair to match. She seems to lack confidence in herself, but I cant understand because she is pretty.

I extend my hand saying "Im Jade"

The girl gladly shakes my hand and responds "I know. Im Shelley"

"Nice to meet you Shelley" I say as I turn to leave adding "I better get to my next class"

Shelley blushes and replies "Me too."

As I walk down the hallway Shelley shouts out to me "What class do you have?"

"Calculus with Mr ...." I stop not knowing how to pronounce his name.

Shelley smiles and says "Its Mr Miklovic. Thats my class too, you can sit by me." Then she stutters "If you want to...You don't have to"

"I would love to, Shelley" I reply genuinely.

On our way to Calculus I give Shelley the edited story of my life: my parents sent me away to school; changed their mind, brought me home and tore me away from my friends.

"Im sorry" Shelley mutters as she hangs her head nervously.

"Its ok" I reply as we approach our Calculus class.

The player from English is standing waiting and as soon as we approach he pushes himself off the wall he is leaning against and snakes his arms around my waist whispering "Hey Baby"

I notice that Shelley steps back, not wanting a confrontation. But this is what I live for, especially lately so I hiss at him "Get lost!"

He doesn't get the hint and pulls me closer.

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