Chapter Ten

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Kristin felt arms wrap around her waist and she was pulled out of the water in seconds.

"Liar," she heard Ryder say as she grabbed onto his arms.

If she wasn't choking on water, she might have noticed how muscular they were.

"Let me go!" was the first thing she could think of to sputter out.

"I'm not sure you want me to do that again," he smirked, pulling her closer to his chest.

No, no, no, no, no!

"Then bring me back to land!"

He seemed to contemplate her order for a second, before shaking his head, laughing.

"Ryder, it's not funny. I could have drowned!"

"I wouldn't have let you drown," he said, rolling his eyes.

She was still holding onto this arms, her only way to stay above the water.

She didn't like the proximity of his body to hers though.

"Bring me back to land or I'll tell everyone we aren't mates," she said, narrowing her eyes at him.

He raised a brow at her, "Fine, swim back to land."

She felt him releasing her again and she jumped closer to him, grabbing onto his shoulders.

Land was only about four feet away, but she knew she probably wouldn't make it.

By this point, however, she was seriously debating drowning over having to be in Ryder's arms for much longer.

She looked up and saw him smirking down at her.

"What, now you don't want to go back?"

"You know I can't."

"You can't what?" he said, holding her waist again so she wouldn't have to use all her strength to hold on.

"I can't swim you idiot!"

"That's all you had to say," he chuckled as he turned her around so her back was turned to him.

Her hands flew to where his hands were on her hips, making sure he wouldn't let her go again.

"What are you doing?" she panicked.

"Teaching you how to swim. Now calm down."

"What? No!" She tried squirming out of his grasp.

"Do you want me to let go again?" she could hear the teasing tone in his voice, which was closer to her ear than she expected.

She stopped struggling, feeling his hot breath against the back of her neck.

"You need to trust me."

She almost shivered, and it wasn't because the water was cold.

"Ryder!" she gasped as he moved one hand behind her back and one behind her legs and lifted her up.

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