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Jake Pov
I wake from my rest panicking a little wondering where I am before I remember I'm at matts house.
I relax in to the soft sheets breathing in warm air.
Matt saved me?
But what exactly happen? 
In my memorys I remember being attacked by....vampires?  And being saved by a Wolf sized man?
It must have just been hallucinations I really don't feel to well.
I stumble out of matts bed I realise I'm only wearing my brifes and a large half buttoned up shirt must be matts I smile at the thought.
I made my way down the hall checking the rooms for Matt before heading downstairs,  this takes some effort as I'm feeling so weak.
I make it half way down before my legs give out.
'crash! ' I tumble down the remainder of the staircase.
'jake!' matt runs forward,  he scoops me in his arms holding me tight.
'where are you hurt?'
Worry and concern laced his voice and eyes.
'I....I...t..think I'm o..okay'
I'm shaking from the fall and my head feels worse than ever.
'can you stand?'
I try but pain shoots through one of  my legs as soon as I put weight on it.
'aah..' I whimper fuck it hurts!
Matt immediately picks me up bridal style and carrys me to the couch.
'stay hear let me get some ice'
Matt disappears to the kitchen to return with ice wrapped in a towl, he applied  it to my swollen ankle.
'thank you again' I say.
'dont worry I want to take care of you' matt smiles kindly he's so delicate and caring towards me, my face heating up slightly.
'do you need to call anyone? To tell them your hear?'
'oh no I live alone'
'really?' matt seemed surprised.
' I moved out of my parents as soon as I could'
'why? You hate them?'
I debated if I should tell him the reason I moved out or not.
'my parents are very religious...they saw me kissing a boy in the park and disowned me'
The painful memorys creeping their way to the front of my mind, my eyes staring to fill with tears at the memory of my father shouting and hitting me the night they threw me out of the house along with my belongings.
'jake look at me'
Matt gently slipped his hand under my chin lifting my head so my eyes would meet his.
' I don't want you to be scared or alone, your parents are close minded assholes they don't deserve a son like you'
He leaned forward and kissed my head lingering with the softness of his lips.
' I'm going to take care of you, I promise'
I smiled I feel so safe and happy in his presence I'm truly blessed to meet this man.
'thank you' I whisperd feeling overwhelmed.
'you must be hungry I'll order a pizza'
He left the couch to find his phone I layed back in to the cushions relaxing.
I smiled feeling butterflys and warmth from matts kiss.

Heyy another update I'm going to try and make them regular... Ish if I can 😁 plz check out my other storys comment and vote plz 😘 xx

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