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Jake Pov
Wtf?! I'm pregnant!
'jake.. I'm sorry '
'this is a joke right?...Matt?!'
Matt didn't smile or laugh, his face dead serious.
'jake I.. I have something to tell you'
I'm still in shock not sure if to laugh or cry.
' I'm a werewolf jake, and your pregnant with my pups'
My mind literally stopped working.
'matt this isn't funny! Am I a SICK JOKE TO YOU!' I shouted, climbing of his lap. I slaped him in the face!
Matt didn't even flinch, he just looked sad.
' I didn't mean this to happen... I'm sorry '
He hung his head in defeat.
' JUST FUCK OF MATT! I'm done with this SHIT! Stop messing me around!'
I turned and stormed to the spare room where I use to sleep.
I grabbed my bag and started throwing clothes into it.
Matt was in the door way.
'jake you can't leave!  There's all kinds of supernatural beings in this city that want to hurt you! '
'WHAT!' I'm getting really confused and angry, why is he being like this?
'there are lots of things you don't know about this world jake. And those things want to hurt... They want to kill you! Like the vampires that attacked you!'
'WHAT VAMPIRES!?  You told me I was mugged!'
I can't take much more of this!.
Matts at the end of his patients now.
I grabbed my half packed bag and made for the stair.
'where do you think your going?'
' I don't know what going on matt!' I'm sobbing in confusion.
' I thought you loved me?' I whisperd.
Matt stepped towards me reaching for my hand, 'i know it's a lot to process, but we can work through this together...I really love you'
Matt brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.
I started to calm down.
' I'm going to love our puppy's to... I'm going to take care of you'
Okay I'm not calm.
'FUCK SAKE IM NOT PREGNANT! I'm a man matt! Its not possible! '
I pushed past him, I'm so angry!  Why is he messing me around like this?
'jake please!  Trust me!' matt made a grab for my arm I doged and made down the stairs at a quick pace.
'stay away from me matt..I don't understand whattttt.....'
In my hase to get away I slipped in the stairs and started falling.
I hit every stair on the way down, I finally came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, pain shooting through my hip and chest, my head pounding, I could see matt crouching next to me.
He was saying something? But the words didn't reach my ears, my eye sight blurred I could feel something warm and wet trickling down my face... Blood? My last thoughts before passing out.

Matt Pov
Jake lay limply in my arms the fall had knocked him unconscious.
Blood was pouring from his head injury,
I traced my hand over the small bump in his stomach.
The puppy's might be hurt as he landed on his stomach.
'oh my God! jake please wake up!'
Tears threatening to spill from my eyes I held his limp body to me.
Taking a deep breath I knew I needed to get him some medical help and check if the pups were alright.
Scooping jake in my arms I carried him out side into my car.
Buckling in his unconscious body I locked the front door quickly then jumped into the car pulling out of the drive, then speeding out of town.
'please be alright jake....please'

Jake Pov
Something cool and damp rested on my head.
I cracked my eyes open slightly soft evening light glowed through parted curtains.
I was in a cozy looking room laying on a soft bed surrounded by many blankets.
I could smell relaxing herbs and sweetness.
I tried shifting a little, my body feels so heavy.
'try not to move love'
I turned my head towards the gentle female voice.
Sitting on the bed next to me was an elderly woman, she had matts dark chocolate eyes and shoulder length ash blond hair.
'who?' my voice was so weak my throat dry.
'its alright sweetie, don't strain you're self' her smile was warm and kind I emediatly liked her.
' I'm matts mother, your at our house here in the clan community, your safe hear honey'
Clan community?
She re-wetted the cloth on my head.
My headache had completely disappeared.
'hear drink this sweetie, it will help strengthen the puppy's'
Matts mum helped me sit up, resting my back on the headboard of the bed.
She brought a mug of milk looking substance with brown fleks.
'its almond milk with nutmeg, drink it up'
I did as I was told and drank the milk it was delicious, I felt my stomach warm at the taste, strength coming back to my limbs.
'but I'm not pregnant? ' my statement came out as more of a question.
'oh, sweetie I know it's hard to understand but you are! Your carrying my grandchildren'
I almost cried at her words I'm not pregnant!  I'm a man!
' I always warned matt wrap it before you tap it! Always use protection! '
I think I would have laughed it I wasn't so confused.
'dont you worry honey my husband is giving your boyfriend a good talking to! Getting you like this before even telling you he's a werewolf!'
I could feel my headache returning, I was hoping the werewolf pregnancy thing was all a bad dream.
'how it matt a werewolf? '
'were all werewolves hear honey, including myself, Matt was in line to be the next altha but he ran away saying he wanted to live a normal life outside of the clan. I get texts and emails from him but this is the first time I've seen him in two years!  And he brings me a young pregnant boy! That child is nothing but trouble '
Matts mum said shaking her head.
'why would he want a normal life?'
I questioned taking another sip of the milk.
' because matt wanted to chose who he wanted to marry, to become altha pack leader he needed to marry in to the woodland clans daughter but matt said he could never sleep with a woman or love her, he never wanted to be in charge either, his brother is now, it's dangerous matts here but he's hear for you'
I possessed everything she said for a moment my head spinning still.
' why is it dangerous? '
'because matt was banished for running away if they find him they will kill him!'

Omg this chapter took soooooo long to write!  😆
Omg guys got my eyebrow pirced today... Hurt like a little Bitch😐
Vote and comment plz 😘 xx

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