Mixed Feelings & Heart Breaks (Chapter six/part 1)

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Chapter six: Mixed Feelings and Heart Breaks with Boys (Part one)

Last time on Life With Boys...

(Part two recap from chapter 5.)

"Courtney! There you are! Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, running into the studio in a hurry, then shutting the door tight behind me. Courtney nodded. "What's up?" Courtney thought. I looked up at her, and then smiled nervously. "I think I might be in love." I admitted. Courtney grinned. "You are? With who?" She asked, knowing who I was going to say. I laughed nervously. "It's... It's.... It's... Nathan..." I stumbled. Courtney bursted out laughing thinking that I was possibly joking. "Are you joking?" Courtney asked. "No! Why?" I exclaimed.

In the music room

"Hey Cynthia." Nathan spoke up, smiling at me as he walked into the room. I smiled back. "Hey Nathan, what's up?" I asked. "I just came in here to work on the song I told you about before, do you wanna help me finish it?" Nathan interrogated. I nodded. "Sure." I answered. "Cool. Come sit." Nathan said. *Once I sat down beside Nathan on a matt on the floor in the music room, we started singing anf finishing the lyrics to his new song he told me about. Then, when Nathan scooted over towards me, we were both caught starring into each other's eyes again, and a silent moment broke into the room, so Nathan slowly leaned in and we finally KISSED! * "Wow, your such a good kisser." I added. Nathan smiled. "So are you." He whispered, into my right ear. *While Nathan and I were still kissing... a girl in a yellow dress with black tights who was a brunette walked into the room and saw Nathan and I kissing.*

"Nathan?!?!?" Chelsea shouted, looking over at us. "Chelsea, what are you doing here?" Nathan asked, sounding surprized and nervous all at once. "I finished my modeling carrer in New Jersey, early. So, I came here to see you." Chelsea stated. I looked at both of them and sighed. "Um, who's this?" I asked, looking at the other brunette in the room. "I'm Nathan's girlfriend." Chelsea announced, making me heart broken inside.

(Part 1 of chapter 6)

I looked up at Nathan, upset. "Your girlfriend?!?!" I shouted, of a thinking about crying but I didn't. Nathan looked at me with guilt and heartbreak written all over his face. He nodded, feeling horrible about not telling me about 'Chelsea'. "Yes. Chelsea's my girlfriend." Nathan admitted, feeling even worse. I sighed and glared at Nathan. "Wow um... I never knew you had a girlfriend, Nathan." I clarrified, furious with him. Chelsea glared at me, sending me a message telling me to stay away from him. "Yeah, well he does. Nathan who is this?" Chelsea wondered, still glarring at me. "Chelsea, this is Cynthia. Cynthia this is Chelsea." Nathan explained. Chelsea was simply disgusted by Nathan and I together. "So, are you guys like..... dating..... now or something?" Chelsea asked, getting jealous each time she looked at me. I shook my head over at Chelsea, nervously while Nathan did the same thing too. "Yeah, no. Cynthia and I are just friends." Nathan prompted, wishing that we were more than just 'friends.'. Chelsea was suddenly relieaved. "Oh, ok then. Well, it was nice meeting you Cynthia..." Chelsea lied... giving me a dirty look while she 'faked' smiled. I sighed. "You too, well. I'll see you guys later, then. Bye." I stumbled, beginning to make my way out the door while Chelsea was still glarring at me. *After I left, Nathan and his 'girlfriend' Chelsea in the practice room alone, I ran upstairs to the studio and cried my eyes out, the whole time I was up there.*

One hour later (At The BLEND.)

*While Nathan was at the Blend, trying to figure everything out, and to clear his head, while drinking his blueberry smootie until.... Michael came in and saw him there.* "Hey Nathan, um why do you look so conflicted?" Michael asked, pulling out a chair at Nathan's table to join him. Nathan put down his smoothie and looked up and saw Michael there.

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