Pass Away || Chapter 1

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It wasn't long after my 19th birthday that Luke and I started dating. We had been best friends for a couple of years along with the rest of the boys. I had always had a little soft spot for Luke personally. As close as I was to all the boys, me and Luke just seemed to connect the most. We told each other everything, everything! It was nice to have a guy best friend along with my girls. And being that close to him. Just hearing this news tore me apart.

It was August 16th 6:25 I walked into my room to find my favourite casual dress and small heels that actually matched, along with a hand written note..


I hope you like the outfit I chose, I know it's your fave! Put it on and do whatever girls do and meet me outside at 7

Luke xx"

I did what I was told, and when it turned 7 I went outside and saw Luke leaning up against his black shiny car. He smiled looking up from his phone, his dimples showing. He took my hand and lead me to the passenger side and opened the door for me to get in.

When I asked where we were going he sat there in silence. About 20 minuets of a comfortable yet slightly awkward silence, we arrived at a park. I was slightly confused at first but Luke took my hand and guided me towards the back of the park. There I saw a lovely little picnic set up with all our favourite food and drinks, fairy lights in the near by trees and a stereo ready to be played.

It was great just sitting there eating, talking and listening to the music

After the food was finished it was now even darker and the stars were out. It was beautiful, we sat there in each others comfort listening to the peaceful music playing quietly in the background. As I started to fall asleep, Luke whispers "Bree, I've been wanting to say this for awhile. And I thought setting this little date thing up would be a great time to. So the thing is, I really like you, I always have..." but before he could continue I sat up and leant in. Our lips connecting for the first time. It was perfect, his soft lips matching perfectly to mine. This is were I knew I loved him. And he loved me, we just have that connection that I've never felt with anyone else. This was our special moment.


Sorry if this is bad! But it's basically a filler just so you get an idea of Bree and Luke's background, and again it's my first story. There will be one maybe two more of these xxx

Pass Away || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now