Pass Away || Chapter 4

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I took a deep breath and made my way up to the door which had a silver plaque saying 'Principle office' I knocked softly and heard her call me in. She welcomed me with a sympathetic look which only made me even more nervous, i'd never been called down here before. Honestly i was absolutely shitting myself. She gestured for me to sit opposite her on the other side of her desk on the plush chairs, and she began..

"He's been in a car accident"

The sentence echoed through my mind. A sick feeling flushed through my system. I didn't know what to think or do. Tears rushed down my left cheek, the principle handing me a box of tissues. "I'm ever so sorry. All we know is that it was a pretty bad accident and his life is on the line.."

I didn't want to hear any more, this hurt me so bad. I got up out of my seat, tears still running down my cheeks and ran out of the office and out of the front gate. I didn't care if it was still lesson time, the person who means the world to me could be dead all because of me.

I ran all the way down the street asking everyone i saw if they knew where the nearest hospital was, nothing.

I found a little corner and just fell to floor leaning up against the brick wall, knees up to my chest, sobbing away. So many questions running through my mind. How bad was the accident? Is it really that serious? Was it my fault? of course it was. Shit, then it hit me. How the fuck am i going to tell Liz? And the rest of the boys? Did they know? What if they didn't know? Nobody could help me.

Until a little girl came up to me with little brown pigtails, asking in her hi-pitched yet sweet little voice if i was okay. A lady, i'm assuming it was her mother, came up to little girl about to walk away when she noticed my tears. "Oh sweet, whats the matter?" i couldn't even bring up the words to tell her, i only just managed to get out ' Where's the hospital?' through the tears and sickness.

Thank fucking god she knew. I thanked her, got up and sprinted down the streets, following her directions and to where i finally found the hospital.

I rushed in, heading straight to the receptionist in front. 'Luke Hemmings' i questioned? Again, following the lady's directions i rushed down the halls until i found his room.

This is all my fault...


I finally did quite a big chapter! Sorry the others have been quite short, but i wanted to sort of create suspense! But i hope you enjoy this chapter a lot, I'll update quite a lot because of Easter break! But please vote, follow and keep reading! Also if you could spread the word that would be great! I'd love to get up to 100 reads, especially as this is my first fan fic :-) xxxx

Pass Away || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now