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Heiress Grant is a college student at Camden University in Los Angeles, California. Her mother died when she was just a baby, so she was left to live with her father, who eventually remarried when Heiress was ten years old, five years after her mother's death. Once her father remarried, he started spending more time with his new wife, Kimberlin, and spent more time at work. In turn, he stopped paying attention to Heiress, leaving the maids and butlers to raise her. She grew up resenting her father for choosing his job, new wife, and their kids over her and for allowing his wife to convince the family to turn their backs on her.

So, Heiress leaves her home in Sacramento and goes to one of the furthest colleges she can find once she graduates from high school. She finds herself at Camden University, alone. She doesn't know anyone, which is a good thing for her. She can set herself apart from the life she used to live in Sacramento with her family, where she was the outcast. She can finally be free and explore what life has to offer for her, until her Dad slaps her with a time limit on how long she's able to stay in his house and how long it'll be until he stops paying her tuition.

One year is all Heiress has until her entire life changes and she's left to fend for herself, but with family and friends weighing heavy on her shoulders, trying to gather enough money for the future is the last thing on her mind when she's more concerned about the present and all the troubles she faces. But will she be able to survive the streets of Oakland on her own or will she get help from an unsuspecting enemy?

Carmelo Knight is a kid who's always had it engraved in him that he was going to college from the moment he grew up, up until it was actually time for him to make a decision on which college he'd go to. He never wanted to go but he knew it would make his mother proud, so he just did it. He never had any interests in the whole college lifestyle since nobody in his family had ever graduated. Sure, people went, but everybody eventually dropped out and started pushing weight or just barely getting by to survive.

Carmelo might not have went the easy route like his family, because deep down, he knew he wanted more for himself, he just had a bad way of showing it. And his stubbornness and need to always be right, landed him in one of the worst predicaments of his life. Carmelo, convinced his family was living the good life, started pushing weight to make some extra money so he could stunt like his friends and family but he ended up in the wrong place one horrible night.

Carmelo went to a club one night in an enemy neighborhood. He knew he shouldn't have been there, but Carmelo being stubborn, went anyways and it cost him the life of his girlfriend. Now, with her death on his hands, the killer looking for him, and a cousin doing anything he can to hold Carmelo back, will Carmelo be able to live up to his mother's standards and be the first person in his family to finish college or will he fall victim to the terrible streets of Oakland, California?

I decided to start this book early. This book will start on July 16th, so be on the look out for it! And make sure you guys add it to your Library so you never miss out on updates and share it too!

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