Chapter 23

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I stepped into the dark apartment I shared with Heiress, expecting her to still be up, but she wasn't or I didn't think she was. I know she's afraid of her father coming back and hurting her, so I know she can't be sleep. I mean, she couldn't even sleep by herself when I was in the living room and she was in the main bedroom, so I'm damn sure she didn't fall asleep in here by herself.

I kicked my shoes off at the door and made sure to slid the chain across the door. I won't tell her how I'm truly feeling but I feel the same way about her father, his goons, and now Nova. I don't know what any of them are capable of, but based on the way her father had his goons choke me against the wall in my own room, I'm more than sure he's capable of a lot more than I can even imagine.

I hate having to look over my shoulder and constantly watching my back since I'm out here alone but I guess its what I'm gonna have to do for now on. This is the life I chose to live getting involved with Heiress and I can't take anything back now. But it's not like I'd ever leave her out here alone though. Because, for some reason, I want to protect her even though I'm scared as hell myself.

I don't know how I'm going to protect Heiress in the event that something actually happens but I'm going to keep taking precautions and carrying my gun on me at all times in order to protect us. I can't have somebody else I care about getting killed or drug down the wrong path because I neglected to help them. It happened with my sister and now she's out here pregnant by the nigga that killed my ex girlfriend. And Amber's death is all on account of my own actions. 

Shit. I'm single-handedly responsible for my mother going back to Eddie. If I wasn't away at school and too caught up with everything except for my family, he wouldn't have been able to swoop in and get in my Mama's head again. I should've been there to protect her and stop him from ruining our family again. Last time, we were able to bounce back once he got locked up. But now that La La is off pregnant by some broke down nigga and Mama's d*ckmatized by the crack head d*ck Eddie's swinging, I don't think we'll be able to come back from this.

So, instead of harping on my issues, I decided to put all my strength into protecting Heiress and our new home since we're all each other have right now. Of course, she has Fantasy, but I don't know that girl like that. She's Heiress' friend. But, me? I'm out here all alone because I haven't even heard from Julian since I left the dorm, which only proved to me that he didn't have my back the same way I had his. He was only kickin' it with me so I could put him on when Nova and I were still close.

I shook my head as I grabbed one of the chairs from the kitchen table and stuck it under the door handle. I know it won't do much to somebody willing to break in but it'll at least give Heiress and I the chance to run, hide, or come up with a plan of attack before they make it to our room.

I made my way to the back of the apartment with Heiress heavy on my mind and a wad of cash threatening to spill out of my pocket. To say I made a lot of money tonight would be an understatement. I cleaned up tonight, even though I was on my usual block for longer than I normally am. I purposely stayed out just to make more money because I knew the crack heads would be coming back for their second fix and I was gonna be the one to make the sale.

I ended up selling everything I had on me, so when I go back to the bedroom, I could hear Heiress in the shower which was weird. I looked down at the watch on my wrist. 3:31. I scrunched up my face. She's never normally up showering at this time of night. She's either asleep or talking my ear off because she's too afraid to fall asleep.

Instead of going into our room, I walked into the bathroom.

"C-Carmelo? Is that you?" she asked while she was in the shower.

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