Chapter 8

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"Wake up bitch!"

I was awaken to bright lights and ice cold water thrown all over my body. If nothing was going to wake me up, that sure as hell was. Even though I woke up with water thrown over me, I was sweating profusely. I was sweating bullets and I was in pain.

I looked down at my torn clothes and bloody and bruised body, sighing. Just seeing my body bought back the memory of what happened to me when them niggas drug me out of my car and beat my ass for no good reason. 

I looked up at the nigga in front of me, who was probably one of the niggas that beat my ass earlier. He was still wearing a bandana across the bottom portion of his face and had blood all over him; my blood to be exact. 

"I bet you're wonderin' why you here, huh?"

"Yeah. And why y'all weak niggas beat my ass is also another question lingering in my mind," I added. These niggas might have fucked me up and had me tied to a chair, in an unknown place, I wasn't gonna let them punk me. They already caught me slipping, fucked up my car and insulted my baby mama, I can't let them punk me no more. 

The guy chuckled. "You ask a lot of questions for a nigga that's in some deep shit."

I kept my face motionless, not allowing him to see how confused I was. I don't know him and I don't remember being on anybody's bad side. I mean, I got enemies, but I handled them awhile ago. I guess they finally got the balls to retaliate against me now. Shit. I should've been expecting this sooner. 

"Deep shit with who?" I spoke up.

"Oh, the big man is coming down here as we speak. I hope he off yo ass too nigga."

"Or I could just off you for fucking with my clientale," I deep voice spoke. I looked to my side and saw an unfamiliar nigga walking down the steps dressed in a full suit and tie. I didn't recognize him. "I told y'all dumb niggas not to harm my merchandise."

I scrunched up my face. "Merchandise?" I whispered to myself. This what that nigga thinks I am to him?

"Uh boss man, we a--"

Before the guy could even finish speaking, the guy walking down the steps pulled out a gun and shot him in his head. The bullet went straight through his skull and I heard it hit the wall behind him, just as the guy dropped to the ground. With open eyes and blood gushing out of the hole in his, the guy laid lifeless in front of me.

"And that'll happen to you too if you decide to fuck with my money," the man with the suit on spoke to me.

"Nigga, who is you?" I asked, sizing him up.

Who is this nigga and why'd he have these other guys come kidnap me? I don't know him and I'm sure as hell not doing business with him. The only person I do business with is Q and nobody has seen that nigga in years and he's not messy like this. Nobody can see his face and I'm sure he's not physically killing nigga anymore. He's got people for that now and I doubt he'd risk everything he's worked for by showing his face to the wrong nigga.

"Oh, you know me," he chuckled as he took the safety off of the gun and placed it in the back of his slacks. He walked towards me with a sly grin on his face, making me uncomfortable, before he stuck his hand out towards me. "It's nice to finally meet face to face with you young man. I've heard a lot about you."

I slightly scrunched up my face. Was this the infamous Q that I've worked so many hard years for, but never got the chance to actually meet? I sized him up, taking in his dark chocolate skin that resembled mine, the tattoo's that peaked from under the sleeve of his suit and around the collar of his shirt. And to top it off, he had a Presi on his wrist so he had to have some money. This has to be Quentin. 

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