Chapter 7

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We escaped from those followers and I hope that I won't see them again, but I have the feeling that this is not gonna be fine. Leon went back to see who is the winner and I found Elisabeth in the park, talking with a cop.

"What happened, mister...Batman? Is that your name?"

"Maybe it's my covering. Do you have something against it? Leave!"

"I have to know what is happening."

"Who are you?"


"I told her to move from the streets. I gave her a week and she was trying to return here. This park is not for beggars!"

"Hey! Look here, mister! If you want me to leave the streets, you must give me a house! Batman? I saw bats who are more clever than some cops today..."

"And...she insults the policeman. I'll give her a fine. A houndred dollars. If I see you on the streets again, you will go to prison."

"Good! Can you bring me there now? There I can have some food!"

"You won't see her on the streets anymore. Take the money for the fine. You don't have to go to a child's party or something, mr Batman?"


"Joash, where are we going? Leave me!"

"We are going somewhere to eat. Then, you can come with me, back home."

"Where? I'm not going with you!"

"My tour is almost over. Then I'm going back to America and you can come to finish school. We have a free seat in the coach."

"But I can't accept this! Also, my parents...I haven't talked to them for a week. I couldn't pay the street phone. They must be worried."

"We must call them. What do you want? You are not going to school, you don't have a house here. I will bring you to a hotel."

"Wait, Joash, why are you doing this for me?"

"Elisa, I...I came to Europe to find you! I..." 

Do you know that feeling when you want to go on the roof of the world and to shout that you love someone, but you just can't say it to that person? Well, I was saying that me neither, but now this is what I feel.


"Hey, Joash! The contest ended. "

"Good, Leon! So who is the winner?"

"You didn't win. Paul did."

"Well, congratulations to Paul. I also win, Leon, look at me. I am more happy than I could be winning that stupid contest."


The time passed away. Do you know? It is incredible how fast the time passes. You are often so busy planning the next months or years and then you miss the best years in your life, because they never turn back. (well, I did it again...the philosopher. This means that I'm verry happy. How can I not be? Elisabeth accepted to go with me and I've spent the last week with her! That moment when you feel that nothing can hurt you. You are simply happy.)

Whatever, we are back home now. Elisabeth went back to school and she is staying at a hotel. It's been two months since I met her in Spain.  I couldn't say her that I love her, but I will say it someday. Wait a minute, the phone calls. Oh, my life! It's her.


"Hi, Elisa!"

"Joash? Sorry, the wrong number..No, wait, just kidding!"

"Did you!? Do you can make jokes? What's happening?"

"I want to thank you for everything you did for me. Also, I have to tell you something important."

"You are always welcome! Well, can we meet now?"

"Let's meet at lunch, at the hotel's restaurant, if you want to."

"I'll be there!"

I wonder what she wants to tell me...Do I have a date? OK, not a date date, but I can't believe it! Let's call Leon. He will be happy for me.

"Hey, Leon! Guess what! I got an almost-date with Elisabeth!"

"Great, this is wonderful! An almost-date?"

"Yes, it's an ordinary thing. Why are you worried? I feel this in your voice."

(I have to solve this, but I can't without Joash's knowledge. I'm scared. It's been two months, but I think that someone is watching me. I am too scared to go out after school.)

"Joash, I have to tell you something. Come to my house after you finish the date."

"It's not a date."

It seems like everyone wants to tell me important things today...

From the next chapter

"Okay, Joash, need I to go to see a doctor or something?"

"Elisabeth, are you allright? A doctor? What happened?"


"The police came finally. The neighbours heard a gun shoot."

I hope that you liked it.

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