Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I walk up to the tall gates of Konaha and rub my hand along the surface, dreaming about what it must have been like to be an Uchiha all those years ago before the massacre of their clan.

Katsuo stares at me, questions filling his eyes, but then shakes it off.

“I am sure you would like to meet our Hokage. Right this way please.” I snort at the idea of meeting that blonde idiot. 

I follow Katsuo through the village, receiving strange stares from the villagers. I glare back at them, causing them to shrink back in fear.

Katsuo leads me to a tall building and opens the door. I follow him inside and up a flight of stairs. He continues walking until we reach large double doors.

He knocks softly. I hear someone give us permission to enter. I tenderly step inside, my senses on full alert.

Sitting at the desk is Naruto Uzumaki wearing long white robes. Standing beside him is who I assume is Sakura Haruno. I look them up and down then decide that they don’t look as annoying as they do in their picture.  I deduct that they are no threat to me and relax.

Sakura stares curiously in my direction while the hokage ignores us and continues reading the file he has in his hand, every once in a while making a face.

“Sir, this is Utau. I would like to request permission for her to stay for a while.” I glare at Katsuo as he makes the assumption that I will be staying.

The Hokage glances up from the file and for the first time notices me standing there.

“What was her name again?” I mentally face palm.

“Utau, sir.”

“What was her last name? I didn’t catch that either.”  You do know that I am in the same room baka…

“I do not know sir.”  At last the Hokage looks at me.

“What is your last name?” I stiffen.

“I would rather not say, sir.” I say mockingly. At this Sakura finally steps forward.

“We need to know at the very least your last name before we let you stay.” I grind my teeth in an effort to control the impulse to punch her through the wall.

“Fine, it’s Hi…Hayashi.” I decide to keep my last name a secret just in case someone has heard of my clan.

Sakura nods, satisfied.

Naruto pulls out a paper and presses an ink seal onto it. He hands me the papers.

“These are your identification papers. If you have them with you at all times then you shouldn’t have a problem.” Sakura says.

I narrow my eyes at being ordered, even if nicely, to do something. I decide to teach her a lesson later and turn to leave.

“Wait for me!” I hear Katsuo’s whiny voice behind me. I ignore him and continue walking through the streets of Konaha, losing him in the process.

Ha! So much for being an elite black op. He can’t even find me in his own village.

I smell the tantalizing smell of ramen drift through an open door. I reach my hand in my pocket and realize I have no money with me. I scowl but then see a small group of ninja heading my way. I pretend to not notice them coming and “accidently” bump into them.

 The young man I bumped into stumbles backwards and lands comically on his butt. He shakes his long wild hair and glares at me. I scrunch up my noise distastefully at the dirty smell emitting from him.

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