Chapter 11

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Everyone was screaming and crying.

'Man I would be too if I got to meet my inspiration, Demi Lovato.'

You thought to yourself.

All of a sudden you felt a tapping on your back.

You turned around and it was a little girl, well not that little, but she looked about 13 or 14 years old.

"Hey! Liz I actually had a few questions for you, while I'm waiting to meet Austin!"

"Sure ! Ask away"

"Okay first of all, how does it feel to be his girlfriend?"

You smiled. This question was a frequent question from mahomies and interviewers.

"I have known Austin from the youtube videos, so I know him as like Austin mahone the Texas regular teen and as Austin mahone the Miami teen heart throb.

I have always had a crush on him, and that's why I would help him through hard times. I feel pretty special, because he has so many girls chasing him , but he only wants me. "

The fan nodded her head.

"You are lucky!"

"Thanks , but you are too! You are meeting him and me! "

You looked to the side and saw the guys.

"Oh and the crew!"

She looked confused when you said that, but then you pointed over to the guys and everyone looked.

'Oops ' you thought to yourself.

Everyone was screaming again, but they didn't get off line because they were all more eager to meet Austin then the guys.

You know their feelings.

When you were younger, you met Justin Bieber at a meet and greet and you were like the happiest person ever.

You have been to his meet and greets with him before but this one felt different.. Well that's because it was different.

Those were just concerts. You can't believe how far he has got.

You are so proud.

It's his first tour! And hopefully there will be many more!

It gets really loud, but by now everyone is use to it.

Austin began meeting people.

There were guy mahomies and you saw that that made Austin very happy.

People were giving him gifts and everyone seemed so excited.

Cute poses were being made.

Piggy back ride ones.

Kisses on the cheeks.


Back to back.

Austin holding someone.

Multiple girls holding Austin.

So many people were crying.

There faces best red but filled with joy.

This was going to be a night to remember for many people.

Including Austin.

The line was really long.

Many people questioned how he met so many people and did the sound check within 2 hours, but it is because he meets the people so quickly , and many are in groups and take group photos.

After all the pictures , everyone went to sound check.

There didn't seem to be as many people as there was just a few moments ago, but there was.

Still , girls were crying and many more were screaming.

"Hey girls and guys! How is everyone?"

Austin walked onto stage.

Hollers from the smaller sized crowd roared.

Austin did his sound check , just like normally , nothing really different besides a few thanks and him saying that this was amazing to have so many people supporting him on his first tour.

"Any questions?"

Many hands shot up.

They had about 10 minutes left , so they used it asking odd , yet good questions.

Austin sang happy birthday to one girl, Bethany and she was freaking out.

Another girl, front row got to shake his hand.

"Oh my .. I'm never washing my hands again" she said to her friend, which got Austin's signature.

As they ran out of time , they were escorted out of the sound check area , screaming goodbye to Austin.

He waved and blew kisses, then he looked over and smiled at you.

"You ready? " you mouthed, smiling back.

"More than ever. " he winked.


Hey guys! Sorry chapter 11 took so long, I haven't been feeling in a mood to write.

Also it is kind of a boring chapter, but it will get more interesting don't worry!

Who wants another makeout scene?!

It might be coming up soon ;)

Well it's time for the opening acts to hit the stage!

Who's ready?!

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