Chapter 17

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Setting the scene: It was the morning of the last show of the tour, and everything in the house right now is a disaster. Becky and Liz still havent talked. Becky has decided to act all okay to get Liz mad, and Liz has been locked inside the room.

*austins p.o.v*
"Babe you have to eat something" i said as Liz pushed another plate of food away from me.
"Please baby, for me. Or for Zach or alex or Rob or even mama"
She kept denying the food, no matter what I said.
"Babe you didn't eat at all yesterday , you have to eat today. " I tried to convince her.
"Austin. I'm not hungry. Stop trying." She snapped. That was one of the first things she has said since the fight with Becky.
I got up and walked the plate to the kitchen with obvious pain in my eyes. I gave the plate to Mama
"She isn't going to eat it."
"Austin it's going to be okay, she's just not hungry or she just lost her appetite."
" no it's not going to be okay!" I exclaimed.
"And why is that? It's been okay the past 4 years you've known her. The past 2 years you've been together. It will be okay now."
"But mom, you don't understand. Nobody here understands."
"Then fill me in" mama said pulling out a chair for me to sit.
"Is anyone else here?"
"Rob and alex went to the store to pick me up a few things with becky and ZACH refused to go because of becky but he's in shower."
"When she gets like this it's on the more serious side." I stated.
"Why?" Mama looked really concerned.
"When we were younger, and she had a bit more weight to her, she started starving her self." I started. "She would go a week, two weeks, even 3 weeks without eating." I paused because I felt I was going to cry , but I didn't want to.
"Her mom caught on and took her to doctor, the healthy weight for her height and age at the time was 110-120 and she was 127, and was very insecure, after a year or so of this problem, she was down to 89 pounds, that's the time when you asked me if she was okay and I kept saying she's been really sick. She went to counseling and went away for two months, and when she came back she was 100 pounds and she maintained that weight, still in unhealthy ways, right before we started dating, she finally became healthy again. She maintained 105 pounds with a healthy diet and going to the gym. Now, she is older and her average weight is higher and she weighs about 115, and she has been thinking she weighs a lot because she is so use to being 10 pounds less, then her hearing her best friend that she's fat, might make her get some old tendencies."
Mama looked at me in pain, because Liz is like a daughter to her, but I knew and so did she that she wasn't in nearly as much pain or as nearly worried as I was.
Breaking me from my thoughts Zach walked In, with tears in his eyes.
"What's wrong man?" you asked with a cracked voice.
"I heard everything. I was friends with her also and I never even caught on.. to any of her pain."
I got up and hugged Zach.
"I'm going to go talk to her" Zach said walking towards the room.
I walked into the room, still with tears in my eyes.
I looked at her in pain.
"Hey gorgeous lady" I said trying to hide my cracking voice.
She looked at me but didn't say anything.
I walked up to her and sat next to her.
"Listen Liz. We all love you in this house. Well your bus, including becky, and every single person hates to see you in pain or causing yourself harm. We love that smile of yours. That laugh of yours. Everything of yours but when you are happy. we miss you. You have been locked away the past two days and we all miss that beautiful face and dat tone body. Please come out" she shook her head no.
"I will tickle you"
"And I will kick you"
"Well there's that beautiful voice."
"1...2...3" and I begin to tickle her.
Austin walked in,
"Damn you know I love that laugh and smile babe"

Well I over heard everything austin told mama and it wasn't his place to tell her but I'm not mad or anything.
It made me a bit secure when Zach came in, but not by much. It will make me more secure that moment when becky walks in, but that's never going to happen.
Tonight we have to stand next to each other on stage for the ending, because it's the last night of the tour.
With a fake smile and everything.
Austin said he has something special planned for tonight for me.
I'm kinda excited to see.
"Thanks guys" I said as Zach walked out.
I guess I will fake a smile just to make them happy.
Becky just got home and walked by and saw me smiling, she was smiling too, but we both looked past each other's smiles and saw each other's pain , but I can still tell she was even more upset becauSe I was in the room smiling and laughing.
"Babe, I'm going to take a shower"
"Can I join?" austin teased , well I don't know if he was actually joking , because well when you are together for 2 years,and have already gone all the way,there isn't much to joke about there.
"Have fun having that slide with Mama here. " You said stating the obvious.
"I was joking" austin laughed.
"Well you never know with you, anyways I wouldn't mind." I winked and got up to walk to our bathroom.
"Stay here, I will be out in like 10-15 minutes" I said , feeling his glare on my body. I ran the water and before I got in i pulled out the scale and checked my weight, in the past like 24 hours I lost 2 pounds so HA BECKY IN YOUR FACE BITCH.
I then got in the shower and bathed myself.

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