Chapter 23 : Vernon Village

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Mellow cane out of the bathroom, her hair all groomed and neatly tied. She helped me brush my hair and braided it, and I think it looked splendid.

"Why do we need to look so... formal?" I asked, was there a special occasion?

Mellow squealed.
"You can't wait! We're going to  Vernon Village, we go there every once a year to visit Hefeta Shee La, the famous Musician and Mage in all Crystalia, she was Magics Academy's second headmaster." She explained.

I chuckled. Mellow must be a fan. "I see..." I said, although I wondered, what we were going to do there?

We started to walk through the hallways, Re'eti added a rule to be very quiet in the Hissing Hallway, that's what he called it. A snake, a large, large snake that had scales that were the color of blue ice and eyes of silver lived under the floor there, and it hissed all the time someone entered, last week, someone teased it and got swallowed whole, poor guy, his parents were heart-broken.

Mellow stopped abruptly, making me run into her. I apoligized, we were about to enter the Hissing Hallway. I took one step and the hissing started. Me and Mellow walked across the hallway without making a sound, not even a whisper. We kept giving each other nervous glances until we exited it. That's when I realized I was holding my breath, I then started breathing again.

We walked and walked until we reached the exit of the academy. Carriages with black horses pulling them were stationed at the front of the academy. I was about to walk up to one, when Jake stopped me.

"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed.

I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes.
"Hannah, you are not supposed to ride the carriages until the headmaster says so, these are special kinds of horses that were trained to follow the headmaster's command, the first rule these horses know by heart is not to let anyone ride them until Re'eti says so." He explained.

I nodded in understanding.
"Okay..." I just couldn't imagined what would happen if someone did... those horses looked powerful.

Re'eti flew down from one of the tall trees in his beast form, and shifted in midair. I squeaked, he was going to fall! But instead, I was surprised to see him land with ease.

"Good morning-- ahem-- good afternoon children. Time to assign your groups..."

"He assigns groups, each group can explore the whole village, and they visit Shee La one by one, they have an assigned time to go there." Luna whispered.

I nodded.
Veronica nudged my shoulder.
"Who's that?" She asked, pointing at Gerald. "Gerald. Why?" I turned to her in confusion. She sighed and shook her head, she turned red.
"N-nothing..." then she focused her attention to Re'eti.

I shrugged. That was akward...

". . . Hannah Light, Luna Light, Veronica Shane and Lara Rosefall."

I turned to Veronica and smiled, she smiled back. Who's Lara, though?

"You may now go yo your assigned carriage."

I hesitated. What carriage was mine...? As if she read my thoughts, a girl with golden like hair with curls and orange eyes walked up to me.

"Follow me, I know where our carriage is." She said.

I nodded slowly.
"Are you...?

"Yes, I'm Lara Rosefall, I can read minds, I'm a Reader. People usually confuse Telepathian with Reader... but I'm a Reader."
She turned red and mouthed 'I'm new'.

I nodded, and beamed at her.
"Don't worry, I don't bite. Come on, we don't want to be left behind, do we?"

She shook her head.
"Not at all!" 

We approached a carriage, it had spiraling patterns and gems on the middle of each wheel. My eyes suddenly fluttered to the horses, they looked majestic. Their mane's swayed in the wind like fire swaying to the breeze. They're eyes were bright green and they... had a very comforting aura around them.

I hopped into the carriage (literally) and sat beside Veronica and Luna, Lara decided to sit at the very left. Then we started moving, the horses neighed and trotted through the pathway.

I turned to Veronica.
"How's a Musician been for you?" The question just escaped my mouth without my approval.

She grinned.
"Great! I'm great at the violin, flute, guitar, drums, trumpets and the piano. My mother mostly taught me how to play the elegant instruments and my father taught me the... not so elegant instruments, like the trumpets, drums and guitar. You?"

"Well..." I started. "It's nice being an Elementalist, you learn more about the element you control, like, just five days ago, I learned I could change the color of my fire, watch," I held out my hand and a fire burned on my palm. It was pink, then blue, then purple, then green, then back to it's original color.

Veronica's eyes lit with amusement.
"Amazing! I certainly do adore pink, I enjoyed that one."

I grinned. The carriage stopped, I looked out to see we were in front of the village. It was so clean, organized and peaceful. You mostly heard music and happy chatter. I hopped out of the carriage (once again, literally) and almost tripped, but I quickly grew a vine to support me.

The houses had exquisite architecture and beautiful vibrant colors. Some were dark colored, but somehow still looked amazing and cheery, some were pastel and some were really vibrant.

"Woah..." I glanced around more to see flowers and newly moaned grass, trees were planted in appropriate places and it just... wow.

I sighed. This reminded me of my mother's- step mother's garden, how I missed her. I pushed the thought away before my heart ached, then excitement filled the air. A lot of things could be done in this village!

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