So I figured to honor the creator of this idea, I would start off with my Disney Fairy books.
NOTE: In @made_of_starshine's creation they state "Apparently in the lore, everything that happened in the Tinkerbell movies was before the eruption, which completely changed their way of life, and led to the events in the books. This is supposed to be a neat way to bring the two separate "canons" together, but when you think about it, that would just mean any character in the movies and books is dead." However, the book I'm reviewing goes along with the movies so it's an exception to the "all books are post-apocalyptic" rule.
Author: Tennant Redbank
Pages: 48
Lexile Level: 500
Publish Date: 2008
"...the fairies could not use their own feet or wings. No running. No flying."-6
Really. Just really. Why did they feel the need to specify running and flying? It makes me feel dumb. Is there some other form of transportation that involves the wings but not flying? No. I'm two pages in and this already hurting my brain.
"'I like the view up here.'[Lily said]"-10
She's fascinated by the view from atop a snail. But by looking at the picture you can clearly tell that she is the same height as the snail, therefore she's only an inch taller. If you want a view, why didn't you get a hot air balloon like what's-her-face did.
"She even stopped to water a flower next to the path."-15
"Rani saw a pretty waterfall. She stopped to look at it and fell behind."-28
So now I'm at the part with the so-called "conflict." Each fairy is running into problems, ok cool. BUT HOW DOES THIS CLASSIFY AS A PROBLEM??? HOW DO ONLY ONE OR TWO OF THESE FAIRIES ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT A RACE IS?!?!?!?! AAAHHHH!!
"Bess and Silvermist went down, too."-38
And now in the book someone screwed up and i caused a domino effect. It's very descriptive on how everyone else failed, but it's like the writer was just like "Meh, I'm tired, so I'll just put that they failed but not how." *Slow Clap*
Summary Time!
So basically there's a race where you can't run or fly. Then karma does it's magic and the one chick who everyone thought was going to lose, wins. The End.
I'm so done with everything right now. Send Help. Please.
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