Chapter 20

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Emily's POV:

Its been a week since my birthday.

Everything has been going good, but I've been getting creepy texts all the time from some Anonymous, but im trying to ignore the texts as much as possible. I haven't really told anyone about the texts because i dont want them to worry

"Emily are you ok?" Daniel asked me concern written all over his face

That made all the guys and the girls turn to me

"Yeah im fine!" I fake a smile. I've unfortunately gotten really good at faking smiles since the thing with my mum

"You seem out of it lately" corbyn says now

Everyone nods agreeing

I stayed silent and shrugged

"Seriously whats wrong?" Bailee asked sternly

I sighed "if i tell you please try not to worry that much" i said looking down

"What happened?" Zach asked with full seriousness

"Ever since that incident with my mum, I've been getting these creepy texts from some anonymous person" i said my head glued to the floor

"What?" They all yelled

"Can we see the messages?" Zach asked putting his hand out signaling me to give him my phone

I nodded lightly and gave him my phone

His face went more and more angry after reading each message

"Read them out loud" Daniel said impatient

"The last one sent was this morning and it says 'watch your back bitch. Im coming for you. Im always watching you. Even right now' what the fuck " he said

Everyone had mixed emotions on their face

"Who could it be though?" Corbyn said thinking for a bit

I thought for a bit and then it hit me

"its my mum" i said

They looked at me "i remember once she told me that if i ever left her she would hunt me down and kill me. And i did, so she is gonna hunt me down" i said with a shaky breath

We all stayed silent "please be extra careful" jack said not daring to look at me

I nodded "im going upstairs ill be back in a bit" i said my shaky breath more hearable

I run upstairs not waiting for a response

Im gonna have a panic attack

I start breathing heavily. My chest feels like you put 10 million bricks on it

I tug on my hair and look at myself in the mirror

"Its ok Emily. Breath" i whispered to myself but that just made it worse

My vision is blurry from my tears

I feel like im gonna faint

I hear the bathroom door open and arms wrapping around me tightly

I recognize who it is immediately from the smell of the cologne


I hug him back and feel myself instantly calm down. He has a huge effect on me

"I dont want you to see me like this" i said my voice low

"I dont care how you look Ems im always here for you" he said still hugging me

I nodded not wanting to say anything

I feel myself getting sleepy

"How about you me the guys and the girls all watch a movie together?" Zach asked with a small smile

I nodded and smiled lightly. He really knows how to cheer me up

"I love you" i said looking at him in the eyes

"I love you too" he answered and pecked me on the lips

We start walking down stairs but i feel zach pick me up bridal style

I dont respond and just burry myself in his chest. God he smells so good

He set me down on the couch

Everyone is still silent. I dont blame them though

I see Zach put a huge blanket on the floor with a bunch of pillows around

All the guys jumped into the blanket snuggling into it. I giggled. The girls soon jumped into it as well and i put on a movie

There was barely any space for me but i managed to squeeze in-between Zach and Daniel

Half way through the movie i spoke "guys" i said quietly

The all hummed in response "if she does get me. I will do everything i can to escape her" i said

"And we will do everything we can to find you" Jack said

"We promise" bailee and lena said at the same time

I smiled


I sat up and so did everyone else

I check my phone and freeze "its her. It says 'so now you know who i am huh? Haha doesn't stop me. Oh and dont worry im not touching your friends. But i will come when you dont know it. You'll see'" i read out loud

"Emily. We WILL find you no matter what" Zach said serious

Everyone else nodded

I nodded and layed back down

I snuggled into Zach and slowly fell asleep

Told you it would be interesting!

Imma be updating soon again! Ily❤️❤️ comment and vote❤️

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