Chapter 32 - A stalker?

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Emily's POV:

Im driving around running errands whilst im blasting music

I stop when the traffic light is red and turn down the music, because, not everyone likes my kind of music

I notice this creepy guy looking at me from the car next to me

He looks about what? 50?60? Either way he is old

I uncomfortably shift in my seat and roll up my window. Im avoiding communication with this dude

As im waiting for the traffic light he keeps staring at me

I step on the gas pedal as soon as the green light appears

"Jesus" i mumble to myself

*a little while after but still driving*

I am super creeped out right now. This guy keeps following me with his car. I tried to lose him but he keeps finding me

Thats when i got an idea. I should get his car numbers

I look at the view mirror and see his numbers. I memorized them and continued driving

I atop when the light is red, i decide to tweet 'guys im scared. This dude keeps following me around with his car. What do i do?'

I got many people telling me that i should go somewhere crowded and not home, and some people telling me to call the police

As i look through the comments quickly i get a call from zach

"Hey Zach" i said nervously

"I saw your tweet. You should go to somewhere crowded and call the police" he said seriously

"Thats what im gonna do" i sighed

"Good, i got to go now babe but call if you need help ok?" He sighed

"Okay, i love you bye!" I said quickly and hung up

The light turned green and i took a turn

I found a crowded parking lot and parked my car in a parking spot

I look through the car mirror and see that the guy parked near me but he looks like he cant find me

I take that chance and speed off

I realize after a while that i lost him

I sigh in relief

The girls arent home right now so im gonna go to the guys place. Im too freaked out to be alone

I knock on the guys door a couple of times. I see that Daniel has opened it

"Hey Emily" he smiled

"Hi Daniel" i said smiling nervously

"Did you tell the police?"  He asked me once we were in the house

"No, but i got his car numbers so if i see him again i will. Something tells me tho that i will see him again" i said looking around

He nodded

"Where is everyone?" I asked realizing

"They had errands to run. I decided to stay home" he said

I nodded

We both dit down on the kitchen stools

I look at daniel suspiciously. He seems weirdly happy

"So Daniel, how is Jayne?" I smirked at him

He instantly became tomato red and looked down

"She is good, we went on a couple of dates, she is so pretty. We like the same things" he rambled while still blushing

I smiled "thats great. It seems that you like her a lot"

He nodded "i do"

"But i need advice" he said with hopeful eyes

"Im here" i said leaning on to the counter

"We've been on like 4 dates together and we hang out a lot. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend, but i dont know how" he said sighing with frustration

"Well you know stuff about her, do you know if she likes simple things or?" I asked

"She said she doesn't like anything too big" he nodded

"Well, you can take her to a cute place on a hike or something, and then ask her. Also i want pictures of you guys so ill be coming to take the pictures of you guys" i smiled

His face lit up "thats a great idea! Thanks Ems! You would really do that?" He asked

I nodded in a 'duhh' tone

He hugged me so tight i think my bones broke

"Thank youu" he thanked

"You are very welcome" i laughed

"Well, i think ill go home now, i  have to have energy for tomorrows errands" i chuckled

As i was walking out the door daniel yelled "thanks again!"

I waved and walked home

I love you guys, thank you for the support!❤️

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