Kakashi: How are you always so late!?
Kakashi was stering at Obito, with his arms crossed. Obito was sitting on the ground as he had gaze on Kakashi.
Kakashi: Ninja have rules. You need to stick to the plan!
Rin was watching two boys with a smile on her face, Minato sensei was sitting on the rock beside two boys but was looking to another direction
Kakashi: A good ninja sticks to the rules and does everything by the book!
Obito: Rules, doing things by the book! That's all you ever talk about. Don't you have any compassion?
Obito was annoyed by how Kakashi was lame. Obito taken his googles up to his forehead, and closed his eyes.
Kakashi: Any ninja that breaks the rules sullies their name. You can at least undestand that, right?
Rin: Okay, okay, you two! Give it a rest. We're on the same team remember...
Rin gave a big smile to two boys. Kakashi turned his right eye to Rin.
Kakashi: Rin, you're too soft on Obito. Today's very important day for us.
Rin: Ha ha ha... Y-yeah, that's true.
Obito opened his eyes and gazed at RIn.
Obito: Huh? What's going on?
Minato: Hmm..
Minato turned his head to youths. Obito was rubbing his eyes with his right arm
Minato: Let's talk about it on the way to our destination.
Obito stood up and they all went after Kakashi. Today it was really sunny day with a clear sky above them.
Minato: As of today, Kakashi becomes a jonin like me.
Everybody was listning to Minato sensei as they were passing by the green hills. Minato turned his head to Obito, who was at the end of the line.
Minato: We'll split into two units led by Kakashi and myself in order to give us the best chance of success... We're suffering from the biggest lack of manpower that the Hidden Leaf Village has ever seen, remember.
Rin turned her head to Obito.
Rin: Actually, Obito... Remember our talk about giving Kakashi a present? I already gave him a medkit. And Sensei also...
Minato pulled out a kunai with Hieroglyphs on the handle, then he showed the kunai to Obito.
Minato: I gave him a custom made kunai knife. Just like the one I carry.
Rin: What about you, Obito?
Obito's smile faded and had a serious look.
Obito: Sorry, I forgot
Rin: WHAT?
Kakashi turned left eye to see people behind him.
Kakashi: Well, I wasn't expecting anything from you anyway. It probably would have just been a piece of junk.
Kakashi turned back to people and kept the lead.
Kakashi: Useless crap like that would just be excess baggage.
Obito: Hey!
Everybody stopped walking furthermore two boys were looking at each other like they want to fight with eachother, however Rin stopped them.

Obito and Rin forever
FanfictionWhat if Obito didn't get crushed by the rocks, and didn't meet Madara, and stayed with Kakashi and Rin. What if Kushina and Minato wouldn't die because of Tobi(Obito). Can they figure out how to stop the three tail monster, inside Rin, to attack the...