It's Time

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Ok so I am currently at Laugh and Love's house.......I have no idea why but we just decided we were gonna do homework here together.

I, for one, love this house, it just feels so safe...then again I haven't been to another person's house for a while so that could be it but it just seems so nice and welcoming. I finally found my new safe place...the pond is great but here is amazing.

Anyways as soon as I walked in their mom, Lily, came out of the kitchen and said hi. She was so pretty, she had long brown hair, glasses and she said that I reminded her of her when she was my age. I said thanks and we went to the living room to do homework.

I couldn't help myself, I sat down on the floor and looked all around me. The house was beautiful it was...idk, the ceiling was wooden and it had a nature feel to it. I didn't realize but I was laying on my back and just staring at the cealing, smiling.

"Beautiful isn't it."

"Yea...I can see why you chose this house."

I turned to look at Lily and I was speechless. The way the light from the window shined on her made her look so angelic and pure but then she stepped out of the lights path and I realized that she was right...she didn't have to say it but I was just like her when she was my age.

She had that look...that broken but caring look. Not many have that but this family does. I looked around at Laugh, Love, and then Lily.

"You ok Autumn?", Grey was staring at me with a certain look. His eyes were worried and scared but his lips were formed into a small smirk.

"Ya, just...this house, you guys...everything is just so nice."

"I know what you mean Autumn. When I was a teenager I was in somewhat of the same position as you. My parents were verbally abusive and it really left an impact on me...Grey's father was physically abusive but I was already messed up so I dealt with it...Jailyn's dad was just not a good guy but we made it through, together. I promise things get better, eventually. God has a plan and he will help you through it all, he was protecting me all my life. What I went through made me who I am."

"Thanks Lily, but how did you deal with all the pain?"

"It was hard but I learned that drawing and singing helped, and of course praying every night."

"You are the strongest person I know...all of you are. You all have been through so much-"

"But you have been through it all. Yea mom was abused by her parents and I was abused by my dad and myself and Jailyn was bullied but you have been abused by your dad, yourself, and your peers. Autumn you are the strongest of all of us."

"...thanks Grey...that means a lot."

I just barely noticed it but Jailyn bumped his arm and looked at his expectantly.

"Listen, Autumn, you remember the letter I gave you? The one explaining how I feel."

"Yea, what about it?"

Lily smiled and Jailyn started to smile as they looked at him.

"Do you have it right now?"

"Hm, actually I do. Why?"

"I think it's time you read it."

My heart dropped when I heard that.....this was it. Either this was the moment that would kill me or save me. Either way nothing would be the same again.

As I got it out of my pocket Grey grabbed my arm, looked at me and hugged me tight, whispering in my ear.

"Promise me no matter what happens after this, we will still be friends."

"I promise..."

I could barely keep from crying, he shed a tear but quickly wiped it. He really was scared of what this would mean.

And so I finally opened the note and began to read it.

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