New Roomates

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My parents were always fighting and never seemed to care about me, Claire, or my big brother Ben. I'm 16 and Ben is 19 and for what seems like my whole life Ben has always taken care of me and protected me. Ben fought for custody of my when he turned 18 which the court gave to him since our parents are never there. I've lived with him for a little over a year now.

I heard the front door open and in walked Ben and a tall guy with black hair, some piercings, and tons of tattoos, walked into the house. I had no idea who the guy was but he looked tense. His blue eyes stared at me for a moment.

"Claire, this is my best friend Andy, he's gonna be living with us for awhile is that okay?"

Ben asked hanging his jacket up.

Andy took off his leather jacket and hung it up beside Ben's.


I nodded.

Andy smiled and then walked out the front door. He came back in with some bags and Ben carried them up the stairs with Andy.

"Do you need any help?"

I asked the two as they were walking out to go get more.

"We've got it princess."

Andy said to me with a smirk.

Princess? Did he just give me a pet name?

I tilted my head at the thought and walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

The boys spent the rest of the day setting up Andy's room which was next to mine and then Ben was further down the hall.

Once the boys finished Andy's room Ben ordered a pizza for dinner.

"So Claire did you get your report card yet?"

Ben asked.

My school sends report cards through the mail and I just finished 10th grade and I just got my yearly grades back.

I nodded and slid him the report card.

"Math...A, Algebra...B, Science...A, English...A, Language Arts...A, Social Studies...B, History...A, Gym...A, Art...B, Music...A, Health...A!!"

Ben read.

"Oh my gosh Claire! This is amazing!"

Ben exclaimed hanging my report card on the fridge.

"Thank you."

I said as Ben hugged me.

"You're gonna do great things one day princess."

Andy said.


I blushed.

I can't believe Ben still hasn't called Andy out for calling me a princess. He's usually really protective over me.

"Claire I'm so proud of you!"

Ben couldn't stop smiling so I smiled back in response.

I always get all A's and B's in school and every time I do Ben still cheers and can't contain his excitement. It's nice to get a reaction from Ben since my parents don't even bother to look at my report card.

It's summer now which means I get to do what I want when I want and I just recently got my drivers license.

After dinner we all went to our rooms to go to sleep but I couldn't. I decided to go downstairs and get something to drink.

I walked into the kitchen to see Andy standing which back towards me looking out the kitchen window above the sink. I ignored him and walked over to the fridge. I glanced over the fridge door at him so see he looked tense, even more than he did when he first got here. Angry even. I walked passed him to get a glass from the cupboard when I felt his hand grab mine. I turned quickly to see him staring at me with angry blue eyes.


I asked.

He shook his head.


He said letting go of my wrist.

I brushed it off and got my drink. I sat on a barstool and drank it while Andy still had his back towards me. I went to put my cup in the sink which I had to get really close to him to do. He smelled like cologne and it was such a pleasant scent. I went to walk away when I heard Andy speak.

"Sorry for...grabbing you. I don't know I did that."

"It's okay."

I said pausing in my tracks.

"I just...I mean, you're really pretty Claire. Gorgeous even. And sometimes I can't control myself around beautiful girls like you. So, just, be careful around me. Please. And guys like me. Ben wouldn't want you to get hurt, and neither would I."

He said.

I nodded.

"Thanks. And I will. I promise."

I said before heading upstairs.

Now I really couldn't sleep. Andy thinks I'm beautiful and told me to be careful around him. He doesn't want me getting hurt? And he wants me to be careful around him? I was so confused? Was he attracted to me or something? I'll admit, the black hair, piercings, dark clothes, tattoos, raspy voice, and tense attitude gave him the bad boy image which I thought was attractive. But that doesn't mean I like Andy like that. I just met him. And he can't be attracted to me because we just met.

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