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"What the fuck did you just say you likely bitch! I am not a rapist!"

Andy yelled as his face turned red.

He threw his arms behind his back and made fists as he got in Leah's face.

"It's not rape I love Claire and she's my girlfriend so you can take your snobby ass comments and shove them so far up your shit stained ass you choke on them! I don't give a shit what you think you little hoe! I can smell your nasty fish scented pussy from here you bitch! The county prison called! They want there prison bitch back!"

Andy yelled.

I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at what he said.

"Why are you such a bastard?! I didn't do anything! You're brain washing Claire into thinking you love her so you can fuck her that's rape! She's 16 Andy you're 20!"

Leah shouted.

"Does age matter?! I bet you'd go for any guy especially if he was a sugar daddy you little-"

I cut Andy off by pointing him to face me and kissing him.

"Calm down Andy."

I smiled.

I wrapped my arms around him and we walked out.

Andy seemed tense the whole night.

"Your roasts were really funny Andy."

I said beginning to laugh.

"Claire she thinks I'm raping you."

Andy said.

His voice broke making him sound as if he were gonna cry. I moved to the end of the bed where he was sitting and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"You're not though. She can think what she wants. Who cares. I know it's not rape and you know it's not. And so does Ben."

I replied.

Andy looked at me with tears brewing in his eyes. They slid down his cheeks and he broke out crying. I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheeks wiping the tears away. This is the first time I've ever seen Andy cry.

"I'm not a rapist Claire."

He said softly as the tears kept coming.

I draped my leg as over his and rested my head on his shoulder wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I know, I know."

I whispered as I ran my fingers through his hair.

Andy was a lot bigger than me. He was about 6'4" and I was only 5'2".

"I love you so much!"

Andy cried as he buried his face into my chest.

"I love you too Andy."

I heard a camera snap and I got up and opened my bedroom door to see Leah holding her phone taking photos through the crack of the door that was still open.

"Um excuse me where's my brother?!"

I questioned.

"At the store why?"

She asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

I shouted.

Andy ran behind me as I pushed Leah on the ground.

"Just you wait until my brother gets home little bitch!"

I yelled.

"How date you take photos of my boyfriend and I without our permission!"

I yelled as I kicked her stomach.

I grabbed her phone and deleted the pictures.

"I hate you!"

I screamed.

Andy wrapped his arms around me by the waist and lifted me off the ground. I kicked and swung arms in the air as Andy carried me away.

"Let me at that bitch!"

I squirmed.

Andy slammed my bedroom door shut and put me down. I ran out the door and grabbed Leah by the hair and pulled her down the stairs as Ben walked through the door.


Andy ran after me as he shouted my name.

"Claire stop!"

He shouted.

"No Andy! She's a bitch and she hurt you!"

I shouted as I punched Leah in the face.


Andy screamed.

He backed me away from Lea and Ben helped her up.

"Thanks for doing that."

Andy smirked as he kissed me.

"That was hot. And if I wasn't a guy I would've done that too."

He laughed.

We laughed together as he put his arm around me.

"Why did you do that Claire?!"

Ben yelled.

"She was taking pictures of Andy and me through my bedroom door and she accused Andy of being a rapist!"

I shouted.

Ben turned to Leah.

"Leah you should go."

Ben said.

My fists had cuts on them and bruises.

"Let me help you Claire."

Andy said as he started to clean my cuts.

We sat at the barstool and talked as he did so.

"What did she plan to do with those pictures?"

I asked nervously.

"I dunno."

And shook his head.

"Okay, you're good."

Andy said before he kissed my hands.

I stood from the barstool and although Andy was still sitting he was till taller than me. I wrapped my arms around him by his stomach and buried my head into his chest.

"I love you Andy..."

I said.

"I love you too princess."

He replied.

I opened my eyes to see blue and red flashing lights out the windows.

My Brother's Best Friend (Andy Biersack fan fiction COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now