Court Day

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Claire's Point of view:

Good days are the opposite of bad. And bad days are the opposite of good.

I woke up in Andy's tight grasp. I kissed his chin and he woke up.

"Good morning baby."

Andy said.

"Good morning."

I replied as we stood from Andy's bed and went downstairs to make breakfast. Today was Andy's trial day.

After breakfast I went upstairs and got dressed and ready wearing a black dress and Andy wore a suit and so did Ben. The three of us drove to the court house and walked inside. Andy was made to sit in the front of the room and Ben and I behind him.

"All rise. Honorable Judge Clark is proceeding into court room."

The officer said.

We all stood and once the Judge reached his place in the court we were all directed to sit back down.

"Today we will hear Andrew Dennis Biersack's side of the story and Claire Andrews side, the story goes that Andrew is a 20 year old man who's in an intimate relationship with Claire, who's 16, and we'd like to hear from her side as to how she felt during this relationship and then we will proceed to Andrew who will tell us his story and then we will discuss punishment."

The Judge said.

"All persons are innocent until proven guilty. You have the options to plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest. No contest means the trial will continue without your supporting evidence which can still find you guilty. I advise you not to plead no contest. You also have the right to obtain counsel. If you cannot afford an attorney the court will appoint an attorney for you. In the matter of Claire Davis versus Andrew Biersack please come forward."

The Judge said.

Andy and I walked to our stands.

"Claire Davis, please raise your right hand."

I did so.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?"

The Judge asked.

"I do."

I said.

"Andrew Biersack, please raise your right hand."

Andy raised his hand as the Judge said.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?"

The Judge asked.

"I do."

Andy said.

"In the matter of Claire versus Andrew we are here today to try the case regarding sexual abuse of a minor, rape, and sexual assault. The minimum consequence is one year in jail and the maximum consequence is a life in prison. Mr. Biersack, how do you plead?"

The Judge asked.

"I plead not guilty your honor."

Andy said clenching his jaw.

I turned to him and smiled and he couldn't form one back. He was too nervous.

"Your honor!"

I shouted interrupting court.

"Claire what are you doing?"

Andy asked between clenched teeth.

I stepped into the middle of the room.

"I wasn't fighting against Andy. Andy is my fiancé and I love him."

I started as I glanced at Andy who smiled sincerely. But still had the pale nervous look on his face.

"He saved me from a rapist. That rapist is in jail now but Andy saved me from him. He's a good guy your honor I swear. And he can't go to jail...because...because...because I'm-I'm pregnant. And I want him to be there for me. And Andy helped me when I was self harming and if you need any evidence of this happening, here's my wrists."

I said revealing my healing wounds.

"And here's the positive test."

I said showing the Judge.

"And Kyle Warren, he's in jail because I called the cops after he left my house and they arrested him. And Andy is the one who got the guy off of me."

I said as my eyes filled with tears.

I looked back at Andy who rose from his seat and looked shocked but happy.

"I was there!"

Ben said standing up as my witness.

"I was there when she was cutting I saw Andy help her and the rape thing. He broke her bedroom door down twice just to save her. He's a good guy your honor so please can you just let him go?"

Ben asked and I nodded.

"I suppose since he saved you from a rapist, and you're engaged, and you're pregnant, and he saved your life."

The Judge said slowly.

"That he is a good guy and is actually in love in with you. But if I find out that once you turn 18 he doesn't marry you, he's going to jail."

The Judge said before dismissing Andy's case.

I ran to him and leaped into his arms.

"Are you actually pregnant?!"

Andy questioned looking up at me.

I nodded.


Andy laughed happily as he spun me around.

"Thank you for everything Claire. I can't tell you how much I love you!"

Andy exclaimed as he carried me out of the court room still hugging me all the way to the car.

I felt him kissing my neck and we got into the car and went home. I handed Andy the pregnancy test and he admired it.

"We're gonna have a baby Claire! A family!"

He exclaimed pressing his hand on my stomach.

I nodded.

I was so happy Andy didn't go to jail and it all worked out in the end.

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