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Draco's POV

It was a bad idea to antagonise him; I had promised myself I would change, that I would not let myself get that jolt of amusement whenever he paid me any mind, whether positive or negative. Stupid bloody Potter, with his stupid bloody scar. I loathed that I wanted his attention. I didn't even want him to like me, I just enjoyed occupying even a tiny part of his mind. Though, to be perfectly honest, I had harboured some resentment that I'd tried determinedly to let go of: he had ruined my life and every time I saw him it was a reminder of that, I wanted him to feel the same way about me.

That was probably why I couldn't possibly refuse the chance to show guy up, irk him. I'd been watching him play Weasley most of the evening and marking his strategy (or lack thereof) and had come to the conclusion that he was positively awful at Wizard's Chess. He made predictable moves and was far too offensive, leaving his queen open far too early in the game, he used his bishops for decoration more than anything else and if I hadn't known better, it might have looked like he was executing some sort of convoluted tactic, but really he was just an idiot.

"Check," the Chosen One beamed, smug as you'd like, "Not so cocky now are we, Malfoy?"

He'd done precisely as I'd expected, and moved directly into the path of my waiting rook. Without moving my eyes from his face I made my move, savouring the look of dawning realisation that he'd been the cocky one, "Checkmate, Potter."

His face turned and I could have sworn that steam whistled from his ears. His face went the brightest shade of pink I'd ever seen on a human, "You cheated," he seethed.

"What's wrong?" I tried not to smirk, I really did, "Is the Golden Boy not used to settling for silver?"

Breaking the building tension between us, Hermione snorted a laugh at the corner of my vision, much to her own irritation. I could see that she hadn't wanted to laugh, out of loyalty to her friend but the fact that she couldn't help it made me warm with pride and comfort.

I made a mental note; she was on my list of people I needed to make amends with, I had to repay her for what my Aunt – what Bellatrix had done to her.

"Well," I sighed, standing from the low seat and stretching dramatically, "This has been marvellous but I must go. Try not to miss me too much," I grinned.

As I walked away there was a faint "sod off, Malfoy," muttered my way.

Ah, to be back at school.

~ Ж ~

I took the long way back to the common room, after all, what would be waiting for me there could be no better that what was in the halls.

I slowed my steps and turned off my brain, letting my legs take me wherever they saw fit. I found myself meandering down a corridor I'd not been to before and realised I should be paying attention to where I was going so I could find my way back. I took note of the doors I was passing, the number of pillars on each side of me – Merlin knew that this castle had it in for me, so the more I could remember about my route the better.

A breeze bristled across the back of my neck and I spun to see what had caused it but could see nothing and no one around, a torch flickered a few feet from me so I assumed it was the wind, the only problem with that theory was that there were no windows close by. It happened again; the cold against my collar and I stopped walking altogether, putting my back to the wall.

Maybe a ghost was having their fun with me? I couldn't put it past Peeves, though his pranks were usually louder and with an audience. No, this was Hogwarts again, a theory confirmed when the wall behind me swung open and I fell to the ground and into another corridor, this one narrower and dark, no torches or candles to speak of.

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