Everything was perfect.

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Draco's POV

"Can we just stay here forever?" I asked lazily into Harry's neck from under the covers. His reply was a simple, husky laugh and I grinned.

"That would be great," his arms snaked around me and pulled me tightly to him, "we have our N.E.W.T.S in a couple of weeks though."

"Since when are you concerned about exams?" I lifted my head to look him in the eyes and he smiled back at me.

"I'm not, really, but you are," he pinched my waist and I made a disgustingly embarrassing squeal.

He was right, I couldn't afford for my grades to be anything but Outstanding; I know that no one would admit it, but the tattoo that lingered beneath the daffodils on my left arm would work against me at every interview and every meeting. I had to be perfect because my name and my past would work against me, pushing me down and away from any opportunities.

I didn't want to think about that right now, though, It was such an uncertain future but the present was so remarkably tantalising.

"Wow, I can hear your cogs turning from here," Harry smiled, and kissed me on the forehead, the feel of his lips lingering on my skin, "you'll do great; you always do, and if you need a study buddy, 'Mione's bound to say yes." He finished fondly.

It was odd to think that I was excited by the idea of studying with Hermione, a fact that must have been evident on my face because the other man added, "Don't get too happy about that, I'll get jealous." And he rolled us over so that he lay on top of me. I did so love it when he got clingy.

"By the way," he kissed my neck, "I'm still waiting for a proper reply," he kissed my chest, "I'm not happy with the one I got," he kissed my stomach.

"Thank you," I said, beginning to breathe heavily, "is a perfectly adequate response to 'I love you'."

"It's not the one I want though," he kissed my naval.

"But I just think you're okay." I teased and got a little bite on my hip for the trouble.

"You don't have to say it right now," he promised, looking up at me earnestly, "I'll wait for you," he grinned, peppering my abdomen with more and more kisses, taking the morning to much more tiring places than I had planned.

I pulled his face up to meet mine so that we were less than an inch apart, "I am unbearably in love with you too," I said smiling, and he kissed me with so much meaning, so much passion, and so much love that we may have never parted...

But the baby started crying. Again.

It would seem I had a new arch-nemesis.


When we returned to Hogwarts on the Sunday night I was immediately bombarded with questions.

"So? How'd it go?" chanted Connie.

"Did you... do?" Blaise kept his voice low for the benefit of the younger ones.

"What happened?" asked Cyrus.

No such questions did I have any interest in answering at the precise moment I had entered the common room. So I entirely ignored them and sauntered off to my dorm to find my cat.

I took my time unpacking, and did what I could to stall going downstairs to face the music (a hideously muggle expression Connie had taught me that I'd learned to love) but Blaise had other plans and came to collect me before long. I pointedly ignored him by picking up Paul McCatney and giving him some much deserved attention. Unfortunatley, Blaise pointed out that the cat was portable and suggested I bring him down to the common room with me.

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