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The ceremony was beautiful. Draco could scarcely believe he was there. After so long an absence from his friends, they still wanted to share such an occasion with him. He was honoured, moved, and disastrously emotional. It was horrifying. Hermione smiled at him as if she knew exactly what he was thinking.

She looked beautiful, as usual. Draco couldn't help asking her for a dance - he so loved to dance.

He looked around and saw everything he'd ever wanted; warmth, happiness, a home, a family. Somehow he had managed to wrangle them all without even meaning to.

"Are you okay, Draco?" came a musical voice from his left, taking a break from dancing with her girlfriend.

"Hi Luna," they both smiled, "I'm... fantastic."

He meant it.

He glanced around him at the people he never wanted to leave again, silently vowing he'd die before doing so.

He watched Dean and Seamus laughing and falling into each other, doing something beastly to Neville's goblet while he was dancing with Hannah, blissfully unaware. Ginny and Percy were at the bar, Draco was convinced she was trying to wing-woman him into a date with the bartender... they didn't look convinced. Blaise and Charlotte were dancing too, the latter blushing and smiling bashfully, Blaise clearly loving it.

Then finally his gaze settled on Harry, the man he'd been in love with for the better part of 14 years, the man with whom he'd shared so many experiences and stories, who he had run from 8 years ago and still managed to find his way back to.

Draco had decided after the accident to moved to Edinburgh, so that neither of them had to give up their dream jobs and flooing between the two locations would be much less strain on Harry's magic. He could even fly and it would be easy enough.

Draco could decidedly say that he was happier than he had ever been in his entire life.


"I can't believe I did it," Ron said, shell shocked, head in his hands. Harry couldn't help but laugh. His best friend was the happiest he'd ever been and had no idea how to handle it. He just patted the red-head on the back.

"That's kind of how it works when you ask someone to marry you, mate," he smirked, "they tend to do just that."

Harry couldn't help looking over to the dance floor, where there stood a particular marriageable Malfoy, a grin spreading across his face as he entertained the idea.

When the song ended he and Hermione came over to where Harry and Ron were sat, mischievous looks on their otherwise-angelic faces. Harry allowed himself to be hauled to his feet by his beau and dragged him up to dance. They both knew it was a terrible idea; Harry could hurt someone with his dance moves but neither of them cared. They were together, they were happy and they were no longer in danger of being separated. Finally.

Draco leant forward to rest his forehead on Harry's, "I'm sorry I left," he whispered, so only Harry could hear, his voice steady and meaningful. Even after 2 years back together, he'd still apologise and all Harry could do was hold him until he felt okay again.

"Don't apologise," Harry reassured him, lightly rubbing the blonde's back, "I don't blame you."

Draco's head dropped onto his shoulder.

"It would have been nice if you didn't leave-"

Draco scoffed at that, "I'm not going anywhere this time."

"Okay everyone," Hermione garnered everyone's attention, "this next bit is a ridiculous muggle tradition but the general idea is to catch the bouquet," she said. Draco immediately rolled his eyes as Hermione ushered everyone to the centre of her aim.

"What do we get if we win?" Neville asked.

"The theory is that if you catch it, you'll be next to get married,"

A few people left the floor at that; either afraid it was true or seeing through it as the 'ridiculous tradition' Hermione had dubbed it.

Draco just grinned and bared it, Harry looked nervous and sweaty.

1, 2, 3...

She threw the bundle of flowers and it came sailing towards the crowd. Many were grappling for it, some were just jumping around, egging on their friends. Draco had decided to feebly wave his hand to humour is muggle-born friend, who was gazing intently at him.

And then he felt something crunch into his hand, light but holding the weight of some unspoken truth.

He'd caught the flowers. Shocked, he spun to face Harry who looked suspiciously un-fazed and caught him slipping his wand back up his sleeve.

"Hey!" Someone piped up, "Harry used magic, that's cheating!" It was Ginny, clearly letting her competitive spirit take over.

Hermione was beaming from ear to ear, "I think it's okay, I'll allow it," she winked at Harry. They were clearly in cahoots.

Rubbing his hands together, Ron chimed, "Speeches, anyone?"


Ginny's was brilliant, she had made everyone in the tent cry with laughter at her anecdotes about the newly-weds. She'd balanced the funny and the sweet perfectly, only fake-heaving once the whole time.

Harry's speech however, you could tell he'd been planning his since 4th year. There wasn't a dry eye to see, a fact he was incredibly pleased by. At the end, Hermione and Ron had jumped at the chance for a group hug, causing more enchanted cooing from their audience.

When they broke apart, Harry sat back next to his beau and leant back in his chair, arm around him as Ron stepped up to make his toast.

Draco felt Harry lean closer to him, his breath was on his neck and neither couldn't help but grin childishly.

Draco couldn't concentrate on what Ron was saying. All he could process was that one of Harry's hands was on his thigh, the other resting on his shoulder, stroking his earlobe. The blonde leant into the touch and was winded by the whisper he heard as he did.

"Marry me."

It wasn't a question. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think, so Draco just turned and kissed him, breathing his answer on his lips.

And then everyone was applauding, Ron had finished his speech and he and Hermione were kissing.

Harry leant into Draco's ear and in a voice meant only for him, raised his glass and whispered, "Cheers, Potter."

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